I have implemented videoviewer in my site, and I want to listen to events such as pause, play ended etc. The documentation doesn't really explain how this is done.My code to implement video is as follows: var videoViewer = new s7viewers.VideoViewer({ "containerId":"s7viewer", "params":{ ...
Hello.....Could somebody please help me finding some kind of documentation on this.I use the Adobe analytics Developer Api source code in klipfolio, but somehow the date ischancing on the wrong time, so I was wondering if I could set the date to use GMT+2, cant find any documentation....Here is the ...
Scenario - I need to run statistical analytics on 1 year worth of data captured in Omniture. Was trying to understand what are the best possible ways to do it. Some of the ideas/thoughts I have are as below. Request to please share your thoughts1. Integration points of SiteCatalyst with other BI too...
Is there a way to get notification by email or other means when Analytics is available?Checking back every now and then is not really a great experience. This is especially true since it has been not been available all day.
When I create new Calculated Metrics and want to see the trend of the metric in the "Favorites" left navigation area, I can only see the newly created metric by logging out and re-logging in to Adobe Analytics. I tried refreshing and that didn't work. Does anyone know of a trick to see this new me...
Hi,What could be the reason if the DFA campaign is not tied up the page traffic visit once after done the Sitecatalyst-DFA integration via Data connectors. ? Any proper integration document(DFA-sitecatalyst) available other than the below link??https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/connec...
Hello, I'm currently trying to build a report using Adobe's Report Builder but can't figure out how to pull data for three dimensions? Essentially, I want the columns to look like this:Page Name | Page URL | Referring URL | Unique VisitorsCan anyone help me with this please? Many thanks,Yousif
I am new to using Adobe Site Catalyst (or report and Analytics) and I have a few questions regarding the Marketing Channel Overview:I know the last touch window is every 30 days but if we have an integration with Sizmek that pulls our data, but is set up on a 7 day impression and 14 day click for ou...
The product Im building requires our clients (Adobe Omniture users) to grant us access to their traffic data. I understand OAuth 3 legged Flow is there precisely for this purpose. I however am not a paying Adobe Omniture user and the Docs specify to use OAuth I need an AdobeID ("Step 1: Link your An...