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Appmeasurement issue in Ensighten ("s is not defined)


Level 1


We have tagged a website with Legacy method using Adobe Analytics and now want to migrate the implementation using Ensighten tag management tool. We have 3 tags in all which fires as in the sequence below -

1) Visitor ID tag : here we configure the Visitor ID

2) The Base code/Appmeasurement file (Visitor ID is called in this file, hence this tag is depenedent on the visitor ID tag)

3) Page - Interaction related tag (s object is called here, hence this tag is dependent on the base code for "s" reference)

Now, these code or tags works fine in the legacy approach, but when we try to configure using the same codes in Ensighten it gives us error "s is not defined", even after the Appmeasurement file is fully loaded. Also, while migrating from Legacy to tag management approach, we did the required changes within the Appmeasurement file and yet we face this issue. We have also set the conditions and dependency right.

We tried and tested almost every possible solution to solve this issue but the reason causing this issue seems untraceable.

Wanted to know what would be the possible reason behind this issue?

7 Replies


Employee Advisor

This is going to be pretty difficult to answer without looking at the page code. Can you share a URL where this is implemented so we can take a look at the implementation itself?


Level 1

Hi Gigazelle,

Can you provide me with an email id of yours where I can share you the URL, because its not possible for me to share the URL publicly.


Employee Advisor

No worries. You're welcome to send me a DM here in the community, and I can take a look.


Employee Advisor

Hi Pooja, I sent a response via DM. Feel free to reach out with any additional questions. Additionally, you are free to reach out to Customer Care for a more formal way of tracking issues that require sharing individual information.


Level 1

Hi, Thanks a lot Gigazelle but It seems i didn't received any response from you via DM. Please confirm the same. 


Level 10
  1. You should contact Ensighten support that should be able to help you better
  2. You have 3 tags, on that load Adobe Analytics and one that use s object. If it says s is not defined then it means that Ensighten cannot find this variable at the scope it requires. Does it look at window level ? When you open developer console and type s inside it does it resolve? If not then it would mean that the tag that loads Adobe does not allow the s object to be on window level
  3. What is you configuration for Adobe Analytics ?
    • Like what do you use to initialize it? Screenshot of the code would help. You sure you create an instance of s object ? or the analytics object as a different name?


Level 1

Hi Alexis,

Thanks for your reply.

We have reached out to Ensighten support and as the scode has many customized settings we will be creating a new appmeasurement file.

Hoping that will work.

