The Adobe Analytics Fall release is out! Below are the details and resources that you might want to go through:
Feature | Description |
Intelligent Alerts | As the new alert system for all of Adobe Analytics, Intelligent Alerts let you create and manage alerts in Analysis Workspace, complete with alert preview and rule contribution. You can
Refer to Legacy Reports & Analytics alerts for more information on how legacy alerts are migrated. |
Customer Journey (Fallout and Flow) in Analysis Workspace | The new Fallout feature bring funnel functionality to Analysis Workspace to enable you to build robust funnels with new visualizations and the inherent flexibility that Analysis Workspaceprovides. The new Flow feature lets you view customer flow/journey through sites/apps via new, updated and flexible visualizations in Analysis Workspace. You can discover how customers are moving and progressing through their sites/apps. |
Anomaly Detection and Contribution Analysis in Analysis Workspace | Lets you know if a change in trended data is significant, and what caused it. Both Anomaly Detection and Contribution Analysis are now core workflows in Analysis Workspace. You can automatically detect statistically significant data anomalies in your data, then run Contribution Analysis against any daily anomaly and embed it in your Analysis Workspace project. Important: Contribution Analysis is available only to Adobe Analytics Premium customers. |
Custom Histograms in Analysis Workspace | The new histogram visualization in Analysis Workspace allows customers to visualize distributions of customer behavior quickly and easily. You can set up custom bucket sizes, starting bucket and number of buckets for the visualization and then automatically generate segments to address each bucket and generate a histogram. You can identify high-value or low-value users. |
Starter Projects in Analysis Workspace | Starter Projects provide useful templates for common use cases. When you open Workspace, you will see a number of Starter Projects in the left rail. They are grouped by the vertical or platform they belong to: Media, Mobile, Retail, and Web. They come pre-populated with different dimensions, segments, metrics, and visualizations, depending on the report suite. You can use these pre-populated templates as they are, or adapt them to your needs. |
Other Analysis Workspace enhancements |
Updates to Permission Management Admin > User Management > Groups | Administrator Access Group membership is no longer required for administrators. By default, administrators now have access to all items (tools, dimensions, and metrics), as well as Web Service access, Report Builder, Activity Map, and Ad Hoc Analysis. Custom Groups Predefined groups are no longer used. All predefined groups have been replaced by custom groups of the same name. Administrators can delete these groups and create their own, as all settings that were previously available in the predefined groups are available for customization. Use groups to grant or restrict access for non-administrative users. For example, you can delete all the migrated groups and replace them with a single group that grants access to Report Builder, Activity Map, Ad-Hoc Analysis, Reports & Analytics Access, Analysis Workspace Access, and so on. See Changes to All Report Access below for more information. Group Permissions The Report Access section in Groups > Add New User Group has been streamlined to four categories, which enable you to customize permissions at a granular level. The new permission categories include:
For more information, see Administrative Product Changes for Fall 2016. |
Changes to All Report Access | As part of the permission changes, a custom group has replaced the All Report Accesspredefined group. This custom group has access to:
At release, all customers will be migrated. Every user that used to be in All Report Access will be added to the new custom group. |
Defunct Traffic Reports have been removed | These defunct reports will be removed:
These reports:
Report Builder 5.4 |
SiteCatalyst 14 End of Life | After October 20, 2016, users will be unable to log in to SiteCatalyst 14. The User Interface will be completely offline. All users must log in to Adobe Analytics/SiteCatalyst 15. More... |
It looks like the 'edit' feature for segments is gone when you click the 'i' information button. No more 'pencil' shows up to edit. the only way I've found to edit a segment today is through the 'new' segment or through the segment manager. is this a bug or a new feature? This did happen about a year ago and took several months to fix. I hope it isn't that way again.
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Hi Warren,
This indeed looks like a bug to me, on my end the pencil icon seems to have disappeared inside 'Reports' but it is very much there inside Analysis Workspace. I would flag it to engineering, thanks for reporting this! It should get fixed soon this time.
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It was originally customer care [Incident: 150918-000257] from September 2015. I reopened it and it is now customer care [Incident: 161021-000391]
UPDATE: This issue had been fixed and is scheduled to roll out in the November Maintenance Release
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Hi Masaharu,
Thanks for bringing this up to our notice. Let me check it out and if that's really the case I would get it fixed.
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Hi Tanmay,
I've noticed that histograms charts in Workspace don't seem to work with calculated metrics. I've tried to drag and drop them from the left hand side menu but without success so far. Would it be possible to fix it in the future please?
Many thanks!
Hi Ivonne,
Yeah histograms are currently working only with native metrics. Although this is not a bug but how the capability is designed. It could be a good feature request. I would recommend you to go to the ideas exchange and raise it -
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Thank you for your reply. I will raise this feature request on
Best regards.
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Alerts don't work fine for us.
Email notifications for alerts now contain a link for report, this link is always broken and leads nowhere in our case. Must be a bug.
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