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Adobe Analytics Challenge 2025


Level 2

I am a professor looking for assistance in how to register a team for the Adobe Analytics Challenge (https://adobeanalyticschallenge.com/). The registration links are not working. Could somebody please reach out to me at marthaud@ksu.edu with more information?

Marne L Arthaud-Day

15 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @MLADay 

which link is not working? The website itself works for me. Is it a particular link that does not work for you?

Maybe best to reach out to Adobe support

Cheers from Switzerland!


Level 2

Thank you, Jennifer - 


Very helpful!




Level 2

FYI anyone else reading this. Sandor is no longer managing the competition and recommended reaching out to Amber Thornton (wadswort@adobe.com) instead. Following that rabbit trail now.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Thanks for letting us know! Amber is great though, you are in good hands with her.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

It seems there are issues with this almost every year.


In the past, I know that @sandor_jones has helped in the past.


You can also try sending your issue to aac-registration@adobe.com (I would assume this email is still active, it was used the last two challenges).


Good Luck!


Level 6

@MLADayI request you to read all the FAQs.




Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

@Amruthesh_AG, while reading the FAQ tends to be helpful, in this case that really makes no difference... the Registration Page URL that you highlighted is missing from the website (hence the problem):





Level 1

I need help registering my team before the deadline. Any way to help solve the page not found issue? Thanks! 


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

It's still not fixed?? 


Try reaching out to Amber Thornton (wadswort@adobe.com), good luck!


Level 2

I have not had any luck making contact with Amber or via the Analytics Challenge address after multiple attempts. I'm beginning to think the Challenge is not being held this year?


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hmm ok, looking at the website, all the dates seem to be for 2024? I am reaching out to a contact at Adobe to see if I can get any more info for you.


Level 2

Thank you! Much appreciated. I was able to reach Sandor, who referred me to Amber, but have not successfully connected with Amber.



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

I have a friend that is looking to do the competition too. She reached out and was told it will likely be early September this year.


Level 2

Thank you! I heard from Amber this morning and she confirmed it has been rescheduled for September 2025 and that more details will be forthcoming as the event gets closer.

I appreciate the Cloud/Crowd support!



Employee Advisor

Hi all - just a quick note to share that the Adobe Analytics Challenge has been delayed for 2025. You're not missing out anything just yet. We'll have updated dates on the website shortly, but for now, there's no reason to be concerned. Sorry for the confusion!