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Bot Name, Bot Page Views, and Bot Occurrences Now Available in Analysis Workspace




As of June 7, 2023, improved Bot Reporting is now available in Workspace. Adobe has now introduced a ‘Bot name’ dimension shows the names of bots that were detected using Bot rules. These rules can be default IAB rules, or custom bot rules that your organization configures. It is helpful in cases where you want to learn more about what bots are visiting your site, or which bots generate the most traffic. 

The Bot Name dimension is an Adobe provided component. Using the Bot Name dimension, you will see the names of the bots detected or custom bot rules supplied. Bot Name should only be used with Bot Page Views and Bot Occurrences. If this dimensions is used with any other Analytics metric, no data will result because it is unassociated with normal customer-based data in Analytics. Data processing for Bot Page Views began between February 26 and March 10, 2023; as a result, any reporting window prior to this date will not have data. The Bot Page Views metric shows the number of times a bot was set or persisted on a page. The Bot Page Views metric should only be used with the Bot Name, Page, or standard time dimensions, such as Day or Week. Bot Occurrences shows the number of hits where a bot traffic was detected. Similar to the Bot Page Views metric, the Bot Occurrences metric should only be used with the Bot Name, Page, or standard time dimensions. 

Please note that this dimension automatically collects data if you have enabled Bot rules. If you have not yet enabled Bot rules, this dimension does not appear in Analysis Workspace.



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


This is fantastic! Also, now I can stop reference this as "Coming before Reports is sunset in Dec"


Community Advisor


Great news!!


Level 1


@jenmarti/ @Jennifer_Dungan : quick question on bot traffic, by default are we excluded bot traffic in report suite? say example if I see data for dimension "All visits", will bot traffic data have excluded by default?


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion




Hi, if you have enabled the IAB Bot Filtering, or added your own custom bot filtering rules (Admin > Report Suites > (Choose Suite) > Edit Settings > General > Bot Rules) then no, ALL Visits will not include any of the rule identified bots (if there are bots not covered by your exclusion rules, then those could show up); at least not using any standard metrics you are likely to use in your reports.


You can test this out yourself... if you use All Visits, and break that down by "Bot Name" or by "Bot Pages" you will see that the only row to appear is "none", meaning no bot was identified:



Technically, If you use the special "Bot Page Views", then yes, you will see Bots... but you shouldn't be using this particular metric in your tables, so you should be fine.



So "All Visits" does technically include bots, but in your standard metrics...