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Using Workfront as if it were Jira


Level 7
Hi all, A user of mine had an interesting question and I thought I'd bring it to the rest of the class: Currently, we use Jira for bug-tracking, logging, change tracking in websites, etc. And we'll most likely continue to do so. We're examining the native integrations between Jira and Workfront...although with the unidirectional flow of info, it may not be ideal. So, the question: Do any of you utilize Workfront not only as the Operational System of Record(r), but also in the same way as one would use Jira? I don't think we'll be removing Jira any time soon, but it was a thought experiment and--since I barely use Jira on my end--I'd ask the rest of you lovely people. :) Thanks! -j John O'Sullivan Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
1 Reply


Level 9
Not a popular opinion (at least with real world users) BUT Workfront can do pretty much everything Jira can do BUT BETTER! One BIG exception is that Jira is more of a marketplace platform than anything else. Meaning if you stop and look at what Jira WAS it's a simple application - heck it's not even Agile out of the box originally! Rather Jira has 1000's of plugins or bolt-ons that make Jira "Better". But those low cost add-on add to the overall cost and scalability... OKAY I'LL STOP my rant :-) and those are my thoughts and ideas only! :-) Back to the functional question... Yes you could create integrations between the two as many have done. Either via the "free" plugin for Jira or more fancy and more able Fusion for Workfront. Which will allow co-books of records - though my personal choice would never to have a co-book - one application should be dominate in my opinion. John Seitz DTCI | Disney |