ok --- access thing.
I have a template that needs to be seen by a team (got that)....but the projects created from it need to be seen by owner of project and owner of template (director) unless shared manually.
for some reason the converted project is visible to team...even though the sharing project option on template is only shared with "owner/director"
i don't normally have to deal with this issue. I followed what I thought are correct steps so I'm guessing permissions are being granted else where and overriding???
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Off the top of my head, there might be a couple things to check
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Thank you @Heather Kulbacki‚ - looks like they were inheriting from program AND template, just not where I'm used to looking.....
I unchecked the "People from same company will inherit the same permissions for all requests"
going to test now --TY
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group still has access ....grrrr.....it IS a program (for sensitive projects)....so need to get this figured out. I've never really changed this area since we launched.
they know how to manually remove who has access but....
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