Hello! I'm trying to create a project report that shows actual duration of projects. One column is pulling the template duration, but I also want to show in a separate column the duration the project ACTUALLY took. Taking the actual start date and add up the actual completion date and show what that duration is (keep in mind, we have our schedule set up not to include weekends and holidays so it's not as straightforward as adding the days between the two dates). This will then show me a comparison to what the project SHOULD have started vs when it did and then how long is actually took. Ultimately, I want to show two things: 1) are our templates set up accurately for the duration needed and 2) we are allocating enough time, but our projects are starting too late; therefore we're always late getting them done. Warning: I do not understand text mode well at all. HA!
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Hi Carol - Does the native field Actual Duration not work for your calculation? This should factor in how many days start to finish the project took basing the calculation on your Actual Start Date and Actual Completion Date of the project - with your project schedule in mind.
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@KellieGardner Thank you for reaching out. It is not working. I get empty fields. I'm assuming it's because we currently are not logging our hours/time for each task; therefore I'm looking for something that will show the duration between the actual start date (the day the job's status is switched to Current) to when the status switches to complete.
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I've also noticed, that the "actual duration" field under the Working time section, is tracking logged hours and my team is very bad at logging hours. So I need to work with what is under the section project dates
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Hi @CarolCaruso - the actual duration field is not tied to hours logged at all. It's a calculation performed by Workfront
Project Actual Duration = Actual Completion Date of the latest task - Actual Start Date of the earliest task / Typical hour per day
Overview of project Duration | Adobe Workfront
In your working time section of your project overview page there should be a planned duration and actual duration. Can you verify if those are populated with anything? Similar to my screen shot above - the section on the right.
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Ok. Let me keep digging in. Thank you for your help!!
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Are you able to see a number in the working time section of the project overview page?
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I've got it working! It's more on how my project owners are scaling out tasks and how I was comparing template duration vs planned duration vs actual duration. Learned that we're all over the board! HAA!
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