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Resolution Time on Issues


Level 4
Hello all, I just noticed the Resolution Time field on the issue object - has anyone used this field for more advanced reporting. For example, I would love to do matrix report that shows the average resolution time by project. However, when I added resolution time to the report - it doesn't look like I can do the functions like sum, average, etc. Anyone do anything with this other than just have it be a field on a report - would love to have it as a some sort of summarized metric dashbaord. John Hoebler Cross Country Consulting
5 Replies


Level 9
I'm not a text mode expert by any means, so I'm not even sure this will help at all. BUT, I have an issue report that shows how long each issue takes, grouped by a custom field. The code below is how I got the Resolution column to display for each individual row, but ALSO show an average in the Grouped row. I got help from the community, but maybe there's some code here you can swipe? aggregator.function=AVG aggregator.valueexpression=WEEKDAYDIFF({entryDate},{actualCompletionDate}) aggregator.valueformat=val displayname=Work Days to Complete textmode=true valueexpression=WEEKDAYDIFF({entryDate},{actualCompletionDate}) valueformat= Anthony Pernice


Level 1

Hi @Anthony Pernice‚ , would you mind copy/pasting your text mode code one more time? I'm looking to do the exact same thing you did (having the Resolution time for each row but also showing an average in the Grouped row) but the code above didn't work for me. Wondering if there was anything missing...

Your reply was very helpful to know this was even possible! Appreciate the help :)


Level 9

Hi Rachel,

Sorry for the delayed response. That report was no longer needed so it was deleted BUT I did manage to grab it from my custom refresh sandbox. So the key part is having a column in the report for this to work.




displayname=Work Days to Complete




You may also need to add this calculated field to a custom form on your tasks/issues (depending upon which you need).

WEEKDAYDIFF(Entry Date,Actual Completion Date)

I added a screenshot so you see what this looks like in the end. I hope this helps!0690z000009DP1PAAW.png


Level 2

HI @Anthony Pernice‚

Just wanted to thank you for posting this - it was the solution I needed as well!



Level 1

I just used this code and it worked like a charm. I don't see that Adobe has added an easier way to display the "Work Days to Complete" in reports so I am very grateful for this post! Thank you Anthony!