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Quick Poll. How many files do you usually combine into a single proof?


Level 2
How many files does your team typically combine into a single proof? Not pages, but separate files? Bonus question: Whats the most amount of files you've ever had to combine into a single proof? Thanks in advance for your responses. Skylar Sanford Workfront
8 Replies


Level 4
My team always does 1:1 -- one document per proof. Daniel Cooley Kenall


Level 9
Same here- 1:1, keeps things nice and simple Anthony Pernice Healthcare Consultancy Group


Level 10
I'm not sure I understand the question. Just want to point out that typically we provide 2 files--the proof we need approved (version 2 of the stack of files), and the originating file (version 1 of the stack of files). Our pieces are frequently based on, or revisions of, an existing piece, so we provide the existing piece for our Compliance folks to compare to our new proof. Is that what your question was asking for? PS: Our Compliance department has recently mentioned that they would prefer a way to compare content, as opposed to the current method of just making a light-table view of one file over the top of the other to compare the look of the page. -skye


Level 2
I do apologize that I wasn't specific enough. I was asking for Workfront Proof users, our existing proofing standalone application. In this stand alone application, there is the ability to upload multiple files AND THEN select to combine them into a single proof all in one action. If the files are compatible that is. This functionality currently does not exist today inside of Workfront but we are excited to announce that we are bringing this functionality in our next release in just a few short weeks! A real issue is uploading infinite files or a large amount can potentially bog the system and in some test cases, crash the service. So if any of you are using Workfront Proof, I am curious whats a typically large batch of files you are combining. Skylar Sanford Workfront


Level 8
Anywhere from 3 to 7 individual documents in a single proof, not sure what the all time max is, perhaps 10 or more. Richard Carlson Behr Process Corporation


Level 1
When will this release happen? Just to make sure I understand this correctly - we will be able to add multiple documents to one proof? Rather than multiple documents and generating a proof for each? That would be great! With this update, could we have various types of documents? One email, then a landing page? Becky Ryan


Level 2
Our agency users push this tool to it's limits, we have had proofs with over 300 assets. Although this is not the norm. Liz Buoscio Leo Burnett Group


Level 2
We don't generally do a large batch of files, but we do use it for combining multiple file types (e.g. - PDF and EPS/JPG) or two PDFs with different sizes/layouts (bleeds for production, no bleeds for proofing). It would be great to get these functionalities into place! Emily Pandzik Staples, Inc.