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Project report, listing ready to start tasks with assignee(s)


Level 10

I have a project report that lists tasks that are "can start" with an "{assignedTo}.{name}". The assignedTo is only working if a single person is assigned, no roles, no teams.

Usually we have a role pre-assigned in the template and the resource manager just adds a user or team and leaves the role there. Having more than one entry in the assignee field is breaking the assignedTo.

Is there another parameter I can use that will at least list the first entry?

I know a list of assignees in a list of tasks in a project report is a lot to ask :)

Here's my current code:

displayname=Current Task






valueexpression=IF({numberOfChildren}=0,IF({canStart},IF(CONTAINS("CPL",{status}),"",CONCAT({name}," - ",{assignedTo}.{name}," - ",{plannedCompletionDate}))))




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1 Reply


Level 7

Hi Randy,

You can create another column that shows the Job Role so resource managers can see one or the other set of details for the task.

valueexpression=IF({numberOfChildren}=0,IF({canStart},IF(CONTAINS("CPL",{status}),"",CONCAT({name}," - ",{role}.{name}," -", {plannedCompletionDate}))))

Not an ideal solution but OR statements don't work with collections.

Hope this helps,
