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For us, I've put all future plans for customer use of Workfront on permanent hiatus until this is resolved. Spamming my internal users with pop-up ads is bad enough, but I absolutely will not risk a customer being upset by it. At this point I won't even demo it as something coming in the future. This is not freeware from a sketchy BBS, it is enterprise software and this behavior is downright embarrassing.
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After having a ticket open about this for a long time, it was closed at the end of August with no resolution I am aware of:
"This was closed out as the internal request to disable surveys has been submitted to the team over the surveys."
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Looks like everyone who works at Workfront is too embarrassed to post an answer, as they should be.
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@Randy Roberts‚ I don't think that's a very fair assessment. The community forum isn't the primary place to deal with customer feedback. I've been very impressed the way some WF team members have directly addressed problems in posts once they've gathered information to do so.
Honestly? I think this is a programming thing that just keeps popping up or resetting. I don't think they're doing it maliciously, but I want them to identify the issue and eliminate it. Or, solicit feedback via email to the admins instead of in this manner.
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Hi Christina and everyone,
I'm trying to figure out the right process for you guys to give this specific type of feedback to be able to make sure you get an answer and that we can solve for this and make sure that the surveys are going to the right people at the right time. Thank you so much for always coming to the community and sharing your thoughts. I'll update as soon as I can.
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This seems to have worked.
Here's a screenshot from a few minutes ago. Really? 😡
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As someone who is trying to drive adoption and change management, these marketing ads reinforces the end-users negativity about having to do something new and different. It causes me additional communication to explain what it is all about - which is hard to be positive when you are negative about the ads as well and have no control over it. Shame on your marketing department.
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I am encouraging everyone to give it a zero score. Maybe if they see only negative scores, they'll stop this nonsense.
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Hello everyone,
Thanks to all of you for sharing your feedback here. I’ve gathered some information about surveys inside of Workfront and wanted to share some insight with you as well as the best way to submit your feedback for your account.
Why does Workfront do surveys?
Sharing In-App Survey Feedback
As always, customer feedback is central to the decisions made by all of Adobe. Thank you for sharing your concerns and your feedback. Please take advantage of the feedback route I’ve shared above at your convenience.
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For those having the same knee-jerk response I just had, please let's collectively resist the urge to shoot the messenger on this one. Thank you @Kyna Baker - inactive‚ for giving us each a solution for our orgs, I've filed a support ticket just now - case # 00281227.
When you have a chance to share feedback you received on this post with your team, please share that the appropriate number of times to interrupt our workflow with unsolicited advertising in any six month period is 0. I have also definitely seen that survey 5-6 times myself since these discussions started, despite clicking to both dismiss and once answering the survey completely. That suggests whatever tracking mechanism is being used can be reset by user actions, so the time-gating won't work as expected.
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Thank you, Katherine! I will pass that along for sure. That is definitely not the intended behavior, so I am sure the team will be glad to hear.
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Kyna, this is not aimed at you, but your powers-that-be:
You know the only class of app that does this in my experience? Free phone and web apps.
You know how other vendors do surveys? By email and only to the business owners. Or via the sales rep, and only to the business owners.
Since Workfront in not "free-in-exchange for ads and data mining Google Project Manager 21.4" I feel the pop-up surveys and log-in page ads are both wildly inappropriate.
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If they'll make Workfront free in exchange for our opinion, I'm all for it!
@Kyna Baker - inactive‚ I asked for no surveys at all, which implies all levels excluded, and after weeks of delays my ticket was closed with no resolution:
"This was closed out as the internal request to disable surveys has been submitted to the team over the surveys."
I got a survey just the other day, so I can only assume nothing has been turned off. So I also assume there is a disconnect between policy and action. :-(
Feels like it will take a user revolt skewing Adobe's data ("everyone mark 0") to get a rethink from Workfront/Adobe on this. It just really crosses a line for me.
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Hi all, based on your collective input it is clear that there are a couple of things that we within Product need to dive deeper into with you. As a result, I'll be reaching out to a few of you to discuss further and to arrive at the best decision. Thanks for providing your input on this matter.
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