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Issue Planned Duration?


Level 7
Does an issue have a planned duration? I am currently reading through prerequisites of Resource planning and one of the bullet points is: Tasks and Issues have a value for their Planned Duration which is greater than zero. But I am struggling to find where this is on an issue? Thanks Vicky Fitzgerald Telegraph Media Group Limited
3 Replies


Level 7
With regard to 'issues' on Request Queues, the overall duration can be indicated/set-up/found under Queue Setup --> Queue Properties. You can also indicate duration for each Queue Topic if you want under the Queue Topic Detail. You can choose to use the default duration as specified as above, or you can indicate X number of days for the specific Queue Topic. Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services


Community Advisor
Hi @Terry Hynd ! Found your reply while I was searching for a way to show the default duration in days instead of hours. We have our default duration as 10 days: but then it forces our issue Planned Hours to 80 hours (the 10 days x 8 hours): We always have to manually adjust it down to something more realistic. Ideally, we'd like to keep our default duration as 10 days, but have our planned hours set to 4 hours. Any ideas? Sheri Whitten


Level 1
I have this same question - does anyone know if there is a way to change the default planned hours on issues? Our default duration on one of our request queues is 3 days, and the planned hours always default to 24 hours. This really skews things when we try to do resource planning! Jaime Winer