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Important bug relating to Hour records - causing Hour Entry Dates to display 1 day off


Level 10
This is an important heads-up to anyone who relies on Hours data (timesheet entries). We have found that the Entry Dates shown on the Hours tab of a project, or on Hours reports, are showing the dates as 1 day prior to the actual day they are logged for. e.g. If you log an hour on a task for the 7th of September, when you look on the Hours tab or on a report, it shows as the 6th of September. However, if you look on the Timesheet tab, it shows correctly as the 7th of September. Also, if you filter by date, it works correctly as if it is the 7th. Support have confirmed that a bug was introduced that affects the default " valueformat=atDateWithOutTime" on the Hour >> Entry Date field, causing the display error. The underlying data is still correct. The workaround recommended by Support (until the bug is fixed) is to go into every report and view (at least those where seeing the correct dates is important) and click on the Entry Date field and edit it in text mode so that the valueformat is changed to valueformat=atDate. Once you do this, it displays with the correct date. I've already changed around 20 views in our system, plus the top priority reports where we export timesheet entries to another system. However, there are another ~130 Hour reports in our system which I need to update manually next. This may or may not affect other customers but I thought best to alert you all......

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