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How do you do conditional formatting based on more than one condition using two different columns?


Level 2
Level 2

I would like to set up conditional formatting where: 

The task planned completion date column is less than today, and the % complete column is less than 100%.

I haven't been able to figure out how to do it.  Can it be done, and if so, can anyone help with instructions?

5 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @bfg - Unfortunately, the conditional formatting in Workfront only allows for one condition to be entered. Might be worth looking through the Ideas page and upvoting a similar topic, or if it doesn't exist adding it in. Dual condition reporting would definitely be beneficial!


Community Advisor

i would say this is doable and you can apply as many conditions as you need. However, this requires creating a custom field on a given object where you would actually set the logic for formatting.

If needed I can share more details


Level 2
Level 2

Thank you for the comments.  I'm trying to do this without a custom field.  This is pretty basic stuff and I should be able to do something like this without a custom field (at least in my personal opinion).  I can live without it, but if this can't be done without custom fields, I would just like it to be considered as a future enhancement.


Level 2

Hi Rafal,

I'm looking to achieve something similar and was wondering if you would kindly be able to share how this would be achieved with a custom field?


Kind Regards,



Community Advisor

sure Joshua,
so basically we have a calculated custom field called "indicator"

with formula:

IF(({status}="NEW")=true && {DE:NLT}>$$NOW,"blank",IF((({status}="INP" || {status}="BES")=true &&{DE:NLT}<$$NOW),"Green","red"))

I than use column conditional formatting in a very simple way:
if "indicator" is Green >> do this

if "indicator" is red >> do this

Hope this makes sense
