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Home Team vs. Home Group


Level 10
Can anyone shed light on the difference or meaning of each? In general, a group seems to pertain to a certain population but team is a group assigned to tasks. Any insight? Thank you.
8 Replies


Level 10
Hi - We use Groups to assign basic security to certain, um, groups. We use teams to assign access to projects, to send reports to only certain teams of people, and to assign work to a group without knowing exactly which person in that team will do the work. We don’t use groups for much, really. We do nearly everything through Teams. There are some things you can only do through assignment to a group, and other things that can only be done through assignment to a Team. I don’t have that list readily at hand, but I bet with in a day or two, someone will explain that. Hope this helps. Eric


Level 10


Level 10
Thank you, Eric. We use Groups primarily for request queue access instead of opening to general Workfront population. Haven't attempted to use Groups for basic security option. Can you explain more?


Level 10
Thank you!


Level 10
Hi: I just looked at how we are using Groups. I must necessarily retract my earlier statement regarding what we use Groups for and review my remarks: 1) We do not use Groups for aggregating users, like you might do for reporting purposes - we use Teams for that; 2) We do not assign permission to objects by Group - We use Teams for that 3) We do not use Groups in the Access Levels to (Set Additional Restrictions) View only companies, groups & teams they belong to. We use Teams for that; Um, I think I have to say we aren’t using groups for anything. Go Teams! Eric


Level 10
Thank you!


Level 10

Hi Susan,

Since we have several different agencies in our one instance and there are client conflicts among them, we use Groups for its security functionality.

At LEAP this year, the product team did a presentation that include this slide. It might be helpful for you.0690z000007ZkOVAA0.png


Level 10
This is wonderful, thank you!