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Hello group, \nI want to be able to pull in a Project level typahead field into a task level report. Anyone know the text mode? \n\nThanks!\nTim


Level 6

Have a person typeahead field we call analysis lead. I would want to add this project level field into a task level report.




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7 Replies



Hello Tim,

On a Task report, you can search for the project level field when adding a new column.

Or, you can use basic text mode such as this:

valuefield=project:Field Name querysort=DE:project:Field Name valueformat=customDataLabelsAsString displayname=Project level custom field

Best of luck!


Level 10

Hi @Dustin Martin‚ -

I tried your code and I got back the below. Is there a way to just get the name?

{"objCode":"USER","name":"Anthony Imgrund","ID":"532376910024d8443277c3e46ed5330a"}


Level 10

Huh... that's interesting. It doesn't seem to be tied to the actual project object type so you can't just reference it.

I tried both:

  1. valuefield=project:Account Lead/Supervisor:name
  2. valueexpression={project}.{DE:Account Lead/Supervisor}.{name}

Just in case anyone else has other ideas. ;)



Ya know, I had it wrong.

I remember now, too.

You have to have a calculated field at the same level as the typeahead field, that calls to it.

{Typeahead field name:name}

It'll look like this: https://drop.workfront.com/YEup8R2b

Then your task report will look like this:


With the column looking like this (though I built it via the GUI, I just switched to text mode to display the example.): https://drop.workfront.com/v1ueAbZz


Level 10

OH! Duh! So funny, I have a calculated field on my project for Portfolio Name and Program Name, and totally didn't think about doing that for Typeahead. Thanks, Dustin!



It's funny because I haven't touched them since.. January~ish.. So it took me loading the report I built up, opening the custom form builder, and realizing I was pulling a calculated field to get the data, not the actual field. At least we got it! Huzzah Anthony!


Level 6
Ah, you guys rock. I was able to get the calculated field to work. Thanks!!