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Exposing all Predecessor task owners, whether individual or group


Level 3

I am working on a report that shows a team's future tasks (wildcard filter on home team, Can Start=N) and have been able to hack together columns to show the previous task and its planned completion date. I can even get the assignment to show up if it's an individual. But I can't make anything show up if it's a team assignment.  I went into the API developer site and believe this is what I need, but nothing is displaying. The flags (shown below) suggest a limitation, but I want to confirm with the group. Again, I want to show the predecessor owner whether it's a team or an individual. Thanks in advance!


Current code that shows individuals, I tried inserting "assignmentsListString" where the itals are:

displayname=Predecessor Owner









1 solución aceptada


Respuesta correcta de
Community Advisor

Hi Ryan,


You could try the following instead:


displayname=Predecessor Owner
valueexpression=CONCAT({predecessor}.{assignedTo},IF(ISBLANK({predecessor}.{team}.{name})||ISBLANK({predecessor}.{assignedTo}),"",", "),{predecessor}.{team}.{name})


What this value expression is doing is Concatenating the values "assignedTo" and "team.name" together. There's also an IF ISBLANK statement in there to output a comma between assignedTo and team name if they are not blank.


One thing to point out however, is that this will not work where there are multiple teams assigned to the predecessor. It will only show the primary team. Since you are referencing a collection (predecessors), and teams is also a collection, i don't believe Workfront will let you report on a collection within a collection (if that makes sense). I suspect that is why the assignmentsListString attribute you mention is not working in this report. 


Anyway, give my code a go and let me know how you get on.


Best Regards,


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3 Respuestas


Respuesta correcta de
Community Advisor

Hi Ryan,


You could try the following instead:


displayname=Predecessor Owner
valueexpression=CONCAT({predecessor}.{assignedTo},IF(ISBLANK({predecessor}.{team}.{name})||ISBLANK({predecessor}.{assignedTo}),"",", "),{predecessor}.{team}.{name})


What this value expression is doing is Concatenating the values "assignedTo" and "team.name" together. There's also an IF ISBLANK statement in there to output a comma between assignedTo and team name if they are not blank.


One thing to point out however, is that this will not work where there are multiple teams assigned to the predecessor. It will only show the primary team. Since you are referencing a collection (predecessors), and teams is also a collection, i don't believe Workfront will let you report on a collection within a collection (if that makes sense). I suspect that is why the assignmentsListString attribute you mention is not working in this report. 


Anyway, give my code a go and let me know how you get on.


Best Regards,



Level 3

If we ever meet, I'm buying you a beverage of your choice. That did it!


Community Advisor

Hi Ryan,


That's great! I'll settle for you marking my answer as correct so that others know the solution works in the future .


Have a great day!


Best Regards,
