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Executive Level Resource Capacity Reporting


Level 1
Hello Team - we are currently having a really hard time taking vision to reality. Consider the Resource Grid, where human resources are grouped by team or manager(S). Our executives have multiple layers below them, so it is the ability to group resources into a meaningful organization and show the planned hours across a defined period of time that is paramount for our executives to look at their tower and use the data to make informed decisions on scheduling work. We've consulted with Workfront, but the limitation we see is that while we can get the planned hours by resource (user report), the planned hours cannot be reported in a way that shows hours planned across a given time period (week, month, quarter, year). Likewise, the resource grid lacks the ability to see beyond the individiual resource level. While this is ideal for true resource managers, it lacks what we need for executive level reporting. Has anyone found a solution for creating executive level organizational capacity reports?
11 Replies


Level 10

I highly recommend using a resource estimate report. Just use the Scheduled hours instead of budget hours. What I love about this report too is that it shows assigned and unassigned hours for a job role. User report only shows assigned tasks.

Things to consider:

Allocation dates for Resource Estimates are Sunday of that week. So you can't do a day view. Just week, month or quarter

All projects must have a resource pool attached to them. Doesn't matter which pool, but a pool is required.

Only looks at job roles, not at people's name

I've attached an example of what one of my creative resource manager uses at one of our smaller offices.0690z000007ZkWoAAK.png


Community Advisor
Hi Craig, I invite you to learn about AtAppStore's JITR (Just In Time Resource Planning), and in particular, our Capacity Charting module, which we designed to address of Executive Level reports of Capacity, Planned, and Actual time within Workfront, such as you are describing. The latter is essentially a reporting platform with which you can define your own reports and tailor them to suit your audience. Regards, Doug


Level 1
Thank you for the response, Doug. Is there a way in which we can connect so I can ask some more specific questions re: the design and build of the reports that AtApp produces? Thanks, Craig Baker


Level 1
Thanks for the reply, Anthony. Your response is much appreciated. Unfortunately, the report you describe is not sufficient for our requirements. The view I am seeking would be reflective of overall organizational capacity, segmented by all persons reporting up through each of our Sr. Executives. At this level, they are not going to be concerned with roles, but moreso would likely want to drill down by heirarchy (all persons reporting to "X" director within their tower). I have created a custom form that enables us to identify the reporting heirarchy for each team member. many of our resources are 4 layers underneath each of our executives, so it is important that I be able to filter and group along organizational heirarchy, then present planned hours in comparison with capacity. Do you have any thoughts around building that type of capability for reporting?


Community Advisor
Certainly, Craig: you're welcome to email me at doug.denhoed@atappstore.com so we can chat offline in more detail. Regards, Doug


Community Advisor
Craig, at the risk of twisting the threads on this one, you (and others reading this) might also be interested in our Executive Dashboards Package which leverages Workfront's built in organizational heirarchy to display and drill down into Workfront work, as this OCL (Org Chart Level) Task Progress Status dashboard iillustrates. Regards, Doug


Level 1
How did you create that report?


Level 10
Hi Laurie. Doug has magic. Yeah, he and Chris and others at AtAppStore figured out how to use the WorkFront API long long ago. They wrote a bunch of functionality that WorkFront really needed but didn't have the time or inclination to include in the product. That report they have is the result of them using the WorkFront APIs and a bunch of clever programming. They also wrote some custom code for us - it does some normalization on actual hours. In my opinion, they help people do things that must be done that WorkFront can't do and your company might not have the developers available to do. Go to their website http://atappstore.com and have a look around. I don' t get anything from them for recommending them, I do it because they have great products and they're really nice people to do business with. I like to see good things happen to good people.


Community Advisor
Thank you, Eric; that is very kind of you to say. It is appreciation from clients such as you that make it so rewarding to keep doing what we do. Laurie, in this case, the Magic that Eric is referring to is our (secret) "Packages" technology, which lets is point at a Workfront environment, select a set of objects (eg 13 "Executive Dashboards" and one user level custom form, in this case), and save them in a Package (including the 90 reports used across those dashboards, and all the parameters on the custom form, which are automatically included). We then promote the Package as a Catalog entry in www.atappstore.com (as in this case ), so those who want the features in the Package can then deploy it into their environment. Packages are also a great way to save time moving Workfront configuration (e.g. dashboards, reports, views, filters, etc.) and/or data (e.g. Projects, Tasks, Issues, etc.) between (so called) "Federated" environments, allowing people to develop improvments in their Sandbox, and then instantly "Promoting" all their hard work to their Production domain without having to redo it all by hand (and risk making a mistake). Regards, Doug


Level 5


Could you provide more detail as to how that sample report was built. I seem to be missing some understanding as to how your colleague was able to display scheduled hours per month.



Level 4
Hi Anthony, I see that you shared this a couple of years ago, but would you be able to share how you created this report? Would be a huge help! Thank you in advance! Lila Whitney Discover Financial Services