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Electronic Signature on Document Proof Not Working!


Level 2

Hello! Hoping someone can help! 

We have been trying to set up a new approval method with proofs and we want the final decision maker to have to sign. 

I have selected "Require decision to be electronically signed" but each time it pops up to ask for the username and PW it says it's incorrect! We are using the Proof process within WF and not the stand-alone app. The person who is required to electronically sign is a Workfront user. We all use Single Sign On. And they have Manager Proof permissions.... What am I missing?? Pls help! 


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4 Replies


Level 3

We have run into the same issue with our electronic signatures.  Our solution has been to reset the passwords through the Proofing module.



-> Workflows

-> Users

-> Click on the selected user

-> Choose Reset Password in the menu above the list of users


That will generate an e-mail to the user, where they can (re)set their password.


Hopefully this works for your org!


Level 2

Thanks, Amy!! When you do this, did it impact your SSO at all? I don't want to mess that up for anyone.... I worry if they reset it, they will no longer have SSO capability... ? 

Also wondering what you do if you need someone to sign that is not a Workfront user? They wouldn't have a PW to reset, so would it even ask for their login? 


Level 3

It does not impact our SSO at all.  I've had to use that proofing password reset for several users and never run into any SSO issues.  However, there might be different ways to set things up, so I'm not sure that our experience extends to everyone?


And, great question on the e-sign for non-WF users.  We have not had that situation, so I don't know in that case.  


Level 2

Hi Amy! It didn't impact our SSO at all either - thank you!! Very strange though... lol. 

I will try to remember to come back and resolve that second part if I ever come across the issue of e-sign for non-users!