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Does anyone know if there is a way to create a report to limit characters of a column? Lets say I want to see the last update comments but they ar elong, is there a way to limit what I see on the report like 20 characters?


Level 2

Does anyone know if there is a way to create a report to limit characters of a column? Lets say I want to see the last updated comments but they are really long, is there a way to limit what I see on the report like 20 characters? I can't seem to find text edits to include in the report itself. I tried to use the count to unique or distinct items but it didn't work.


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1 Reply


Level 10

Hi Courtney - Do you know about WF-Pro.com? @NRYN R - inactive‚ built it and it is a must-save-to-your-favorites. He actually has something that might be perfect for you. He limited it to 140 characters but you could adjust that if you need it to truly be 20.

displayname=Last Note



valueexpression=IF(LEN({lastNote}.{noteText})>140, CONCAT(SUBSTR({lastNote}.{noteText},0,139),"...(open for more) -- ", {lastNote}.{owner}.{name}," on ", {lastNote}.{entryDate}), IF(LEN({lastNote}.{noteText})>0, CONCAT({lastNote}.{noteText}," -- ", {lastNote}.{owner}.{name}," on ", {lastNote}.{entryDate})))


Direct URL to his text mode examples: https://wf-pro.com/home/training/text-mode-examples/