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Custom Planned Completion Date?


Level 4

I am trying to create a task level view that displays the planned completion date by : the current duration divided by Project.Current # of Developers (Custom field at project level)..... Is this possible? I'm not having any luck today!


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5 Replies


Level 4

OR to have my duration be custom? So # of Developers * # of Ideal Weeks (Both Custom Fields) = Duration...

If my Ideal Weeks = 70 & # of Developers = 4 .. My Duration should be 17.5?


Level 7

Hi Jordan,

So let me make sure I'm understanding - if the duration is 10 days and there are 2 developers on the project, the custom duration would be 5 days and you would want a custom planned completion date field that adds the custom duration to the planned start date?

I think this should work but partial days aren't quite exact...




valueexpression=ADDDAYS({plannedStartDate},(DIV(DIV({durationMinutes},480),{project}.{DE:Current # of Developers})))


Hope that helps!


Level 4

THANK YOU!! Your understanding is accurate, yes!! This has certainly pushed me much further than I was but not sure it's there yet... If I'm looking at What if C @ 70 Weeks, I think I should be at 11/18/20 vs the 11/4/20 I'm seeing?


Level 7

Hi Jordan,

Are you using a 5 day schedule or a 7 day schedule for your projects? If you are using a 5 day, the calculated field will include weekends so you will need to add an extra two days for each week the duration spans. This should get you closer:




valueexpression=ADDDAYS({plannedStartDate},(SUM(DIV(DIV({durationMinutes},480),{project}.{DE:Current # of Developers}),ROUND(DIV(DIV({durationMinutes},480),3.5),0))))
