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Column text mode to exclude specific task names


Level 1

I have a project report with a column that pulls in the planned completion dates for a presentation task. It is pulling in multiple dates because there are other tasks in our projects with similar names. The task who's due date I'm trying to show in the column is named "CMD Presentation 1", but we have "CMD Presentation 1 Feedback" and a parent task over both of them called "CMD Presentation 1". Is it possible to exclude the parent task and "feedback" task in text mode? Current text mode below. I should mention that if the tasks is complete, it adds a checkmark and updates to the actual completion date. If incomplete, it just pulls in the planned completion date. I have also attached how the data shows up in the column.


displayname=CMD Pres 1
valueexpression=IF(CONTAINS("CMD Presentation 1",{name})&&{status}="CPL",CONCAT(" ",{actualCompletionDate}),IF(CONTAINS("CMD Presentation 1",{name}),{plannedCompletionDate}))

2 Replies


Community Advisor

I'm lookin at you, @skyehansen ! I know you could provide help here.
Pretty sure just needs to add something along the lines of...

If this helped you, please mark correct to help others : )


Community Advisor

I'll let you kids figure it out! Right now what the valueexpression is saying is, "if the name contains "CMD Presentation 1" and the status is complete, then show me a checkmark and the actual completion date -- otherwise if the name contains "CMD Presentation 1", just show me the planned completion date."


You'll need to change the valueexpression, probably a few different ways.


0) The original statement is a bit wordy so you could stand to trim it down a little and have it be more concise. (you shouldn't have to say "if the name contains" twice)

1) You need to put in something for the parent task. If you had something in there for "number of children = 0" then this would help you filter out the parent task that is named the same as the child task -- this is if the child task doesn't have more children underneath, of course!

2) You do need to put something in for leaving out the feedback task! I would go with a straight "name =" rather than a "name contains", and experiment with putting in a "lower" so you never have to worry about upper/lower case. 


Your end valueexpression could end up looking something like this?


"if the task is not a parent task, and the lower case of the task name is equal to "cmd presentation 1", THEN if it's complete, give me the checkmark and actual completion date. Otherwise give me the planned completion date"


We would usually put in something about what to do if the task is cancelled but that doesn't seem to be an issue above, so let's not even mention it. 


PS: instructions on how to use "lower" are in the usual help article, which is here: 
