Good afternoon,
I was wondering if there was a way to group a report by a Text Mode Column.
I have a report that Text Mode to display if a task is On Time or Late based on the completion date:
displayname=On Time
valueexpression=IF({actualCompletionDate}<={plannedCompletionDate},"On Time",IF({actualCompletionDate}<={handoffDate},"On Time","Late"))
I would love to get this into a graph that would show the completion date and then split ones that were completed on that day based on if they were on time or late. But I am not able to select that custom column as a grouping. Just trying to avoid having to export into excel to sort them all the time.
Thank you,
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Yes, you would just rewrite your expression as a formula when building a calculated field, like so:
IF(Actual Completion Date<=Planned Completion Date, "On Time", IF(Actual Completion Date<=Handoff Date, "On Time", "Late"))
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Unfortunately grouping and charts can only be done if you create a calculated field on that object.
Is there a way to get the same result as I have above where it says if it is On Time or Late through a calculated field?
Yes, you would just rewrite your expression as a formula when building a calculated field, like so:
IF(Actual Completion Date<=Planned Completion Date, "On Time", IF(Actual Completion Date<=Handoff Date, "On Time", "Late"))
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Hi Angelo,
I tried to follow these directions for a report with a custom column, but could not get it to work.
My value expression code is below:
displayname=Task Priority
valueexpression=IF(CONCAT({priority},' ',{isCritical})="4 true", "1",IF(CONCAT({priority},' ',{isCritical})="4 false", "1",IF(CONCAT({priority},' ',{isCritical})="3 true", "2",IF(CONCAT({priority},' ',{isCritical})="3 false", "3", IF(CONCAT({priority},' ',{isCritical})="2 true", "4", IF(CONCAT({priority},' ',{isCritical})="2 false", "5", IF(CONCAT({priority},' ',{isCritical})="1 true", "6", IF(CONCAT({priority},' ',{isCritical})="0 true", "6", "7"))))))))
Would you please reply with everything I need to include to wizard this into a calculated field?
Thank you so much!!!!
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Angelo, thank you so much! That worked perfectly. I will be glad to not have to do any manual data manipulation to get the results we want! - Kristina
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