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Calculation in filters


Level 2
Hi again, I have created a new task report which calculates the difference between Planned Start Date and task Entry Date as our current business processes dictate that when a new task is added there is enough notice given (5 days) to ensure there is enough capacity for execution or if added very late (less then 5 days) a certain action takes place which is documented in the task. The calculation is working fine, however it returns too many results. Is there a way to include it in the filter to return only the tasks where the calculation result is between 0 and 5? I have attached a screenshot with Entered Late (Days) The custom expression on that column is displayname=Entered Late (Days) textmode=true valueexpression=IF(datediff({plannedStartDate}, {entryDate})<=0, datediff({plannedStartDate}, {entryDate}), IF(datediff({plannedStartDate}, {entryDate})>=1, datediff({plannedStartDate}, {entryDate}), 0)) valueformat=int Thank you in advance. Silviu Partin Bracket Global LLC

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5 Replies


Level 2
Did you ever figure out how to do this? Aidan Grey Tri-State


Level 2
Hi Aidan. Not really. Silviu Partin


Level 10
Thanks @Silviu Partin I tested in task report works fine, but in project type, what changes need to make in this text code. Because if we see from project leader responsible, the difference makes more logical at project level than task level. Thanks and regards, Kundan. Kundan Kumar KGON - (Kverneland Group Operations Norway AS)


Level 2
I have found, and confirmed, elsewhere that you can't use custom columns in a filter or grouping. So - not possible right now. Aidan Grey Tri-State


Level 4
Consider using a calculated custom data field instead of a calculated column. Then you could filter and sort on "Late Start" or "Short Notice." ~Jeff Jeff Rieth