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Calculate Percent Complete based on


Level 10
Hi all, Which option are you using for 'Calculate Percent Complete based on': Planned Hours or Duration ? And how actually Duration got influence on Percent Complete? Does it mean if you assign someone to a task which we're giving them e.g. 5 hours to do it within 5 days, it would be 100% complete after 5 days?
7 Replies


Level 10
Hi: We only use Planned Hours. That way, the percent complete is the percent of the work to be performed. If you use Duration, the percent complete is a percent of the time that has passed. Our work is proportional to the work we do, not the time that passes. If we do absolutely nothing on a ten-day-duration task, and three days have elapsed, we don’t say the task is 30% done. We also do not automatically calculate the percent complete. We make people put it in. If we were to use Duration, automatically calculating the percent complete would make sense. Does this help? Thanks, Eric


Level 2
We are using planned hours. We are more concerned with tracking plan than duration. Interestingly, I just went through the process yesterday with a Workfront expert to understand how Workfront calculates % complete. Workfront will calculate the project percent complete. However, the assignee must enter the % complete on the non-parent tasks. This can be done as you update the task. The percent complete bar may be displayed as part of the update on a task. The assignee can indicate percent complete by clicking on the % complete bar -- increments of 10%. The % complete may also be updated from the project plan. I found helpful information in the Workfront help articles under the heading viewing and updating percent complete and calculating percent complete. I hope this helps. Please share what you learn as well .. . it is a topic of interest.


Level 10
We was sure we've got 'Planned Hours' selected, but after being asked about it we found out we've got 'Duration' selected for unknown reason.. That's what we thought - it doesn't make a sens e to have it set up to be based on 'Duration'.


Level 10
We also use Planned Hours. Cheers, David


Level 10
We have it based on Duration - but not really by choice!!!!! When we first deployed WF, we struggled to get folks to enter tasks with Planned Hours (sigh) - so we were forced to calculate it based upon Duration. This is a good reminder for me to revisit this and switch it to calculate on PH though.