Because the typeahead field didn't exist when we went live, we used Primary Contact as our Backup Requestor field (the way we're organized the person who submits the request, may or may not be on the project alone as a proof approver or contact. So, in our previous system we had a Backup Requestor f...
I've been asked to report how long something sat in New before it moves to the next status. I found some answers about digging through the updates, but this should be a pretty standard request. I found this Idea. It would be great if it had more vote. Kristine Ross Empower-Retirement
We're running into problems having projects show 'At Risk' when a task isn't started in workfront on time. I understand the way around this is to set task tracking mode to 'Ignore late warnings' but doesn't anyone know of a place to make this a global (or portfolio specific) setting? I could edit al...
Hi All, We are currently working through the implementation of Workfront and have a question in relation to the synchronization of data in Custom Forms. As an example, we have a list of items that regularly change and would like those to be synchronized with a section of the Custom Form. To elaborat...
Hey guys... I am having trouble filtering out projects that have a certain category (form) attached to them. I have tried all 5 of the filters (categories:name, categories:ID, category:name, category:ID and project:category:ID) with no luck. Inevitably, some of the projects still sneak in the report...
There are currently three ideas on the idea exchange all requesting the same functionality. All three are below the threshold individually...even combined they are under the threshold. I'm asking to get some help upvoting. The functionality ask seems so minor, but would have a huge impact. Allow fo...
Hello, Is it possible to create variables in the name of a report? For example: Tasks Due for { between $$TODAY and $$TODAYe+2w} A quick look didn't reveal any info on it elsewhere. Thanks! Mike Pauley HANYS
I am trying to create what i thought would be a fairly simple report but am not getting the results i was expecting so I am hoping someone can help. What I am trying to do is create a report that will show me the total number of tasks and total number of projects closed YTD grouped by portfolio. I d...
When we send our design proofs through fro approvals we often need to attach the original document that was supplied by the Requestor so the approvers can make sure all of the changes requested were made correctly. The requestor attaches their changes as a document on the request. Is there a way to ...
Join us in Philadelphia on Sept 4th for an interactive workshop to learn how you can master modern work. Whether you're a power user or entirely new to work management, you'll get the training you need to get things done and do them right. While at the same time, leaving inspired and adding rocket f...