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Make the custom message on a proof accessible from the proof viewer, and from WF


Level 5


The custom message added when uploading a proof for review is only viewable from the notification email, and hidden within the proof details within WF (Proof Details√†Messages√†little ‚Äòi’ icon). Given that reviewers can access a proof from their Home or a Document screen, and not always from the email notification, it would be great if the custom message could be viewed more easily in WF, AND within the proofing viewer for easy reference.



Level 5


One way to do this would be to have any custom message also appear as a pop-up when the proof is first opened. This is how another proofing system handles it and it was the most successful way. Its human nature, as soon as people get the proof email they ignore anything else in it and go straight to reviewing, so the pop-up kept the message in their face which could not be ignored.


Level 10


Would also love it that when someone enters the proof from Workfront (who isn't part of the workflow) and they get the New Proof email, that it has the custom message on it. Right now, they get the generic one and miss all the great info the project owner put in there.




@JanelleHi The ability to see custom messages will be explored in the new approvals system that is being built natively inside Workfront. In the mean time, perhaps the suggestion by @AileenTa may help.

Status changed to: Investigating