My company is interested in connecting WF and SP, more specifically, would like to have a ticking system on our SP page. Would the connection allow us to set up Requests that someone could put into SP and it be automatically put into a request queue in WF?
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When you click "New Scenario" - there is in connection Microsoft SharePoint Online. This connection gives you lots of options to create a scenario.
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Following up more on this. Does anyone know what it means by "List ID" when trying to configure Sharepoint modules? I don't see any documentation anywhere defining what a "List" is in Fusion. Right now I'm trying to reference an Excel file in the Sharepoint docs area of my Sharepoint site.
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Just like how WF uses ID's in the URL, SharePoint does the same thing. To see a list's ID (GUID), go into the list, select Settings> List Settings. In the URL you'll find the list ID - Example: ITG/ProjectManagement/Project%20Governance%20Wiki/InnotasSupport/_layouts/listedit.aspx?List=%7B27FC51A4-1311-47C6-B4D7-FC315E284F81%7D The bold text is the list ID for a list I have in SharePoint. We don't use SP online (365), but I believe that you can do what you're seeking to.