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Utilization Report - Count as Revenue Flag Incorrect


Level 2

Hi There,

I have created a report to show Billable vs Non Billable hours per team member in Workfront.  This is broken down by team, then grouped using the 'Count as Revenue' flag 'True' and then 'False'.  Problem that I have is that I have users that are logging time to internal projects.  The tasks for these team members have the following settings for Finance:

Cost - Cost Type = No Cost

Revenue - Revenue Type = Not Billable


The time users are logging on these projects are still showing up in my report as 'Count as Revenue - True' when they are not.  Am I missing a setting or something else?  It took a long time to figure this out, and the rest of the report is working as required (i.e., PTO and other time entries show up properly in the Count as Revenu - False category).

Any help that anyone could provide would be appreciated!


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