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User Group Follow-up (May 19, 2020) - Creative Agencies: New Workfront Experience



The purpose of this thread is to continue the conversation from the Virtual User Group for Creative Agencies on New Workfront Experience on May 19, 2020.

Many thanks to everyone who came to our virtual meetup!

As promised, attached is a PDF of today's presentation, and you can watch the recording here.

In the meantime, I’d love for anyone who attended to take a minute to share:

#1 - What was your favorite takeaway from today (big or small!)? Anything you’ll start doing (or stop doing) as a result of what you heard?

#2 - Do you have any outstanding questions? Anything you didn’t get a chance to ask or that wasn’t discussed?

“Like” this thread to be notified as people reply. It’s a great way to meet folks outside the User Group so you can connect between events.

Future events will be shared in various discussion groups and also featured on the Events page here in Workfront One. You can also follow the “Events” topic if you want to receive notifications any time a new event is posted.

Thanks again. If you have any feedback (good or bad), please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can leave a comment below, direct message me here on Workfront One, or send an email to usergroups@workfront.com.


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6 Replies



Doh! I'd forgot to attach the PDF of the slides, but it's there now. Thanks again, folks!


Level 10

I don't see a registration link for the June 30th workflow & process session?



We're finalizing some things on that, but it should be live in the next week. I'll tag you when it's live!



Thank you so much for attending today's virtual user group. I really appreciated the discussions in the breakout sessions and learned some awesome tricks and tips I am excited to share with other customers. Thank you for your time and investment in Workfront.



Thank you so much for your time in attending and sharing today. In response to the question regarding an example of an implementation questionnaire, here is what I've used in my past as a system administrator when on-boarding new teams. Please feel free to use and take from it what is most helpful to you.



Hi everyone - As promised, here is a link to the recording of yesterday's New Workfront Experience presentation.

PLAYBACK: Creative Agencies User Group (May 19) - New Workfront Experience (34 minutes)