Ähm nein. Du kopierst das Skript in das change-Event deines Feldes. Das Wort this referenziert dabei auf dieses Feld und von da aus dann auf das Unterelement ui und dessen Unterelement oneOfChild usw. Anstatt "Test" gibst Du halt das Wort an, bei dem sich die Farbe des Feldes ändern soll. Welche Fa...
Du musst Dir im Klaren sein, dass ein sauberer Textfluss im Formular nur dann passiert, wenn dem expandierenden Textfeld übergeordneten Elemente ebenfalls einen Textfluss und Umbruch erlauben (in Bild rot dargestellt). Willst Du Elemente davor und danach an statischer Position belassen, umschließe S...
Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass Du mit dem Designer die PDFs erstellst?! Alle Felder dort sind Container mit mehrere Elemente, die alle separat gesteuert werden können. Ein Textfeld beispielsweise kann man komplett färben oder auch nur den Eingabebereich davon. Diese Elemente kann man per Scripting adr...
Since there is no Acrobat Reader for Linux since 2009, you don't have an official way to view those forms on that platform. Some webbrowsers like Firefox and Chrome nowadays have XFA support, so you might have a small chance by using those.
Since you form doesn't use a XML scheme but object names for data binding you must be very very carefully to not use the same name for multiple objects in the form, as this might result in the effect your're facing with. Make sure to give very table, every row, every field an individual name.
The debugger says, it's a Folder-Level script. So the script you're looking for is not placed in your form but in a js-file saved on your computer. Look into the Javascripts folder of your Acrobat: /C/Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Acrobat DC/Acrobat/Javascripts
There's another method with floating fields, which you can edit directly in the static text. https://web.archive.org/web/20101124093614/http://blogs.adobe.com:80/formfeed/2010/09/editable-floating-fields-v3.html
The option "Repeat Row for each Data" has nothing to do with this. The cell, row and table have to allow page breaks. However, there are conditions with nested tables, where it won't work properly. If you can share the form, we can look into it.
With the typical keyboard layout you only get straight quotes, the curly ones are only accessible by entering their character code with the additional number keys on the right. It requires some discipline but you're getting used to.
Here's a great ressource, that explains it and many other things a...