XFA based forms only support rotation in 90° steps. To add a diagonal text you have two options:1. Create a background image providing the text you want to display. Place that image on the masterpage and control it's presence with a script. You can use 8-Bit PNG files with transparancy or white back...
Here's a sample to import XML via JavaScript. This method works in Acrobat and Reader as well.https://thelivecycle.blogspot.com/2014/07/import-xml-via-script-into-adobe-reader.html You can also use the Acrobats readFileIntoStream() method to import data from a simple TXT file. You can write its data...
You can use the resolveNodes() method, to create a filtered list of suitable nodes by searching for classNames and other properties. So you'll avoid the null-problem completely. // Filter all field nodes that are not buttons.
var fieldsArray = xfa.form.form1.resolveNodes('#field.[ui.oneOfChild.clas...
The following code won't work. .access = "hidden"; It's either .presence = "hidden"; // not visible or .access = "readOnly"; // write protected depending on what you're after.
The correct syntax for calling the mailDoc() method from a script in Designer is as follows: event.target.mailDoc({
bUI: true,
cTo: emailTo,
cSubject: emailSubject,
cMsg: emailBody,
cSubmitAs: "PDF"
Hi, I guess a script as the following should to the trick.var nPartTime = page1.subApplicant.ddPartTime.rawValue, //DDL
nProRatedApproved = tblCourse.row9.proRatedApproved.isNull ? 0 : parseFloat(tblCourse.row9.proRatedApproved.rawValue), //green
nReimbApproved = tblCourse.row8.reimbApproved.isNul...
I can't find the find the fields you're mentioned since they are not named as described. Please highlight them in the sample form with a diffent color.
Designer hat einen Skript-Editor, in dem man Skripte für viele unterschiedliche Ereignisse für z.B. Felder in dem Formular hinterlegen kann. Diesen kann man mit [Strg]+[Shift]+[F5] ein- und ausblenden. Zum Ändern der Farbe ein Erreichen und Verlassen des Feldes musst Du im enter und exit Event jewe...
Ähm nein. Du kopierst das Skript in das change-Event deines Feldes. Das Wort this referenziert dabei auf dieses Feld und von da aus dann auf das Unterelement ui und dessen Unterelement oneOfChild usw. Anstatt "Test" gibst Du halt das Wort an, bei dem sich die Farbe des Feldes ändern soll. Welche Fa...