Customer would like to use GTM to collect web data.How it would affect functionalities of AEP comparing to Adobe Tags?Customer would not be able to create Edge Audiences and data from GTM would need to be send to AEP in a streaming way?
I prepare implementation plan for a company with multiple business's. Assuming that every business unit would have separate sandbox then every data view in CJA should correspond to the adequate sandbox in AEP? From the business perspective I do not want to mix the data between different business uni...
I have got really strange bug in my Campaign V8 client console.My administration should look like this: But looks like this now: Do you have any ideas why is that? I have got admin rights in my env
I would like to send to Target crm-id while user is logging in. Something like this does not show up on a Target profile. Why is that?alloy("sendEvent", {"renderDecisions": true,"data": {"__adobe": {"target": {"user.crmId": 'crmId-12345'}}}})
What I need to send to Target in order to have bestseller recommendations using web sdk? What specific data needs to be send to Target after transaction has been made?
What AEP is doing if we send for example more than 20GB batch data in one hour? How is it queued? Or if we exceed number of requests?I went through this guardrails but customer has additional pre-sales questions -
I would like to implement that scenario for a customer. I am curious if such a price-drop event is recognized:a) internally by a platform. AEP somehow through datadisteller or other service (?) recognize that there was a change in priceb) event from an external platform which triggers event in AJO a...
Thanks!Assuming:1. In the dataset which is number 1 in hierarchy consent for email is empty. 2. In the dataset which is number 2 in hierarchy there is consent. So in profile there would be a consent or consent for email would be empty?
I would like to showcase that use-case on a customer demo. Do you have any screenshots which would help me imitate a creation of such an event?Would be really thankful.