We have tried that, the challenge in our use case is we don't have any unique identifier with the assets currently. So search results are not exact. We are looking to build a custom solution to have a CSV file do the job.
@christianm9916 It seems the DAM update workflow isn't working as expected.
Can you please go to this location and check if any workflows are stuck: http://locahost:4502/libs/cq/workflow/admin/console/content/instances.html
If yes, please select the instances and terminate them.
Try a new asset up...
Is there a way to copy selective assets, from one or more folder/subfolder hierarchy, in bulk and paste to a new folder location? I am looking for a feature similar to MCP Renovator. Please suggest if something can be done using an excel file.
@SebRios Can you please share which version of AEM and Service pack you have?
This package will work on AEM 6.5 SP12.
You need to install AEM SP12 first: https://experience.adobe.com/#/downloads/content/software-distribution/en/aem.htmlMake sure all the bundles are activeStop AEM Restart AEM...
Company Name: Honeywell
Company URL: Honeywell.com
Your Name: Diksha Mishra
Your Title: Applications Dev Assistant Manager
Describe your company, the customer experience and business challenge(s) you set out to solve with Adobe Experience Cloud products, and how long your company/organization has be...
@RamMandala In order to enable the PDF upload to Dynamic Media for AEM, please got to this path in CRXDE:
Save All
Note: PDF isn't allowed to be served via DM. I recommend opening a support ticket with Ado...
@shikhasoni1 Consider Metadata Profile a form containing metadata fields like title, description etc.
CSV bulk import helps generate an excel file containing this metadata info for adding metadata values to the fields. More info on Metadata Profiles: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experien...
@nbg62 Are you trying to save metadata changes? If yes, you can utilize bulk metadata update operation, using CSV file: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-64/assets/administer/metadata-import-export.html?lang=en
@rgarg can you please try disabling the replication agent, by using the following URL: <server:port>/etc/replication/agents.publish.html
Also, try to clear the files from here CRXDE path: /tmp