Hello Team, We are seeking help in creating segments/audiences to identify members who are having active subscription. We have subscription data stored as event where it has subscription start date (data type - datetime) and subscription end date (data type - datetime). One profile will have only on...
Hi everyone,I have a use case where some members' account types(account_type) have changed from Type A to Type B in the past. I managed to identify these members by using a self-join query in the query service on the member dataset, but I'm having trouble creating an audience based on this condition...
hi , does anyone know how to salt a sha256 hash in CDP? i see that if i use the sha256 function sha256(string) in the flow mapping it works, but when i add a salt to the function sha256(string,string) it returns as blank.
I have an array based date column called Billinvoicedate which is of date type.I want to calculate and fetch all the yesterday records for that particular date column.But i am constantly getting error while trying different sort of sql queries. e.g. select * from pe_cust_ren_sub where DATE(_pe.rensu...
Hi all, @_Manoj_Kumar_ @nnakirikanti @dhanesh04s @an1989 @renatoz28 @brekrut @ccg1706 @somen-sarkar @saswataghosh @NickMannion I was wondering if customer AI instance expires after outcome period or it goes on until its manually disabled? For example, if model/customer AI instance is created to pr...
Hey community! I was wondering if anyone has any frameworks for translating license optimizations to cost savings? For example, we implemented pseudonymous profile data expiration to our CDP instance with a contracted limit of 20m and reduced our license usage from nearly 90% to 55%. Is there a way ...
Hello, We are trying to convert some Adobe Target segments to RTCDP and trying to figure out URL based segmentation where the visitor only qualifies when they are on a specific page - but only while on the page - not if they visited the page during some point in the past. For example, they should q...
Hi, In our CDP we defined 2 identities:- ECID from Adobe- Client ID: our ID of the Client identified We load online data in the CDP thanks to the source connector Adobe Analytics. We don't use any Adobe SDK or datastream.In this connector, we also filter out the row if the cookie consent is equal to...
Good morning Adobe community, My organization has a need to pick only one customer per address in a shared household. When creating an audience, RTCDP only finds Profiles (customers) as part of the output, and we need a way of limiting our output to only one customer per postal address. Is there any...