Within my platform, my team often uses certain audiences as building blocks so as to ensure that certain universal exclusions are correctly applied to every audience. We have a lot of audience blocks that we have built but we have not been keeping a log of which audiences they are a part of. Is ther...
Hi, I uploaded an audience using a CSV file, and also added some other fields as payload attributes. I want to send that audience to a destination (in this case, Marketo Engage). I want to activate the audience and the payload attributes, and from what I read in the documentation, this is possible. ...
In customer AI historical data requirements, its mentioned that data required = Eligible lookback window + outcome window. Where the eligible lookback window is defined in the eligible population. So, if I set eligible population to be something like - web activity in last 60 days and set goal cond...
I am using a event type dataset for customer AI instance which has a daily data ingest frequency and hence contains duplicate rows of data with latest timestamp. So, will the duplicate records affect my model predictions? (Judging from the influential factors, I do think the results might be influe...
Hi All, Does anyone know of a workaround solution to remove individual event data from UIS/UPS, without complete dataset removal? From my understanding, this currently can't be done. We are exploring options on how to achieve this if possible. Thanks, David
Does anyone know what segment membership and the number below it means? I see this when I view sample profiles after creating segment rules using the rule canvas in Experience Platform.
Hello, I'm trying to get a count of all the profiles on my dataset where the DOB is less than 21 years old from the Current Date. I'm trying to use the following syntax in the Query service but get an error: SELECTperson.birthDate AS birthDate,COUNT(1) eventCountFROMdataset_aep_coreprofileWHEREDAT...
Hi, I am trying to upload the "csv" file with profile details and mapping those with profile schema, but am getting error " a is not a function" Document: Create a test profile | Adobe Journey Optimizer section: Create a test profile using a csv file