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Mirror page issue


Level 4

Hi Community,


I am getting the error "click the mirror page" for some emails, while others work fine.

Note: this email trigger from journey Not from proof. 


  "type": "https://ns.adobe.com/aep/errors/EXEG-0202-502",
  "status": 502,
  "title": "The service failed to process this request.",
  "detail": "The 'com.adobe.cjm.mirrorPage' service failed to process this request. Check your input/configuration and try again.",
  "report": {
    "requestId": "",
    "dataStreamId": "",
    "orgId": ""

Could you please help me why i am getting this error?

@Anuhya-Y @DavidKangni @Mohan_Dugganab @SatheeskannaK @Parvesh_Parmar 


1 Reply



kindly log a support ticket for this issue.