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How to put condition on a "Time Series Event" schema that is linked to the profile attribute in Journey.


Level 3


How to put condition on a OOB schema[Not the profile attributes] attribute in Journey. Eg. I want to send the Follow up email who clicked on CTA 1 or CTA 2 after 5 days from the 1st email. Attributes like - Opens, Clicks, Tracked URL.


Note: It can be achieved using the Audience for each CTA conditions. Wanted to look for an optimized approach.


From the below SS, we tries to put a condition based on the time series event in the condition activity of the journey to filter Opens, click etc. Is it feasible to achieve this business logic in the journey Conditions activity.




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3 Replies



Conditions on timeSeriesEvents will not work.


Level 3

@dugganab, what are the use case of using the time series events as it is enabled.



Take a look at this note.



Agreed, it is visible but cannot be used. Feel free to log a client care ticket on this.