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Support for generating email body from a Template and passing to external API


Adobe Champion


Description -

Enable AJO to perform email content generation from a template without needing to also deliver this email directly, enabling use of the AJO templating when interfacing with third part APIs to deliver content.


Why is this feature important to you -

Lack of support for attachments in AJO means these emails must flow via a third party (eg InfoBip).  Having the option to generate email body content from templates using content fragments and conditional content would enable all our personalisation and content activities to remain within AJO but with the delivery and attachment handling handed off to a third party.


How would you like the feature to work -

A variant of the Email action should be available which generates email body content and stores it in a variable which can later be used in another action to pass to the third party API.


Current Behaviour -

Templates can be extracted from AJO by other platforms however this is the "raw" template with references to content fragments and all special markup for conditional content.  Only "simple" templates can be shared and used outside AJO making it simpler to move the templating to the other platform and simply pass across additional attributes such as segment membership to enable conditional content rendering within the other platform.