Hi all, we are trying to configure an A/B test changing the pictures order of a carousel component handled by boostrap. Are there best practices to manage the flicker issue apart of the pre-hiding snippet? Because we are trying to implement it on our site but doesn't help with the rendering of...
Hi Team, Adobe target is implemented through AEP WEBSDK. We have used below code to trigger profile parameter alloy("sendEvent", {data: {__adobe: {target: {"profile.vehicleSeen": "xxxx",}}}}); It is trigerring well in the calls : Updating Media however, "vehicleSeen" ...
I am trying to update a button component in the adobeDatalayer by editing the attribute data-cmp-data-layer. For Example: Control variant has below HTML data-cmp-data-layer = {"button-ac7b87e127":{"showLeftIcon":"false","buttonType":"btn-primary","componentid":"button-ac7b87e127","xdm:linkURL":"/o...
Hello everyone, I'm currently working on a project where I'm trying to update the text of a button on a set of modals. The problem I am running into is that with the custom code option in Target, the script runs in the head of the document, and I have not been able to get a click event to work to pe...
Hello everyone. I'm working on a project where I have to dynamically change the text of a set of buttons across a site for an A/B test. The problem I am facing is the content is dynamically generated with a script in the body of the HTML, so whenever I try to update with custom code, it runs in the ...
What is the best practice to use a QA link from Target on a search query? for example: wwww.domain.com/search/?search=something When I try to use the QA link like normal it will add the QA link to the keyword of the search i.e. something?qa_link_here
Hope this finds everyone doing well. Wanted to ask what the best practice might be for the following scenario: Scenario: Ever changing tailored homepage banners for different audience segments. Banner 1 - Segment 1Banner 2 - Segment 2Banner 3 - Segment 3 Now, we can create a single XT activity conta...
Hi Team, We have implemented the Target using AEP Websdk. Now as a part of requirement we need to trigger the profile parameter in the custom mbox (in the monitoring campaign) so that we could that profile parameter for audience creation. When I use trackEvent or get offer I get error : I h...
Hi there, I have added AT.js to my site following the tutorial here. But when I use the AEP debugger, the Network Request is empty. Sorry that is all the information I have. Does anyone have ideas as to what I am missing here? Thanks and much appreciated.
Hello, a relative AEM newbie here. I am trying to pass params with the following `targetPageParams` function to be called by AT.js. targetPageParamsAll = function() { let referrer = document.referrer console.log("called targetPageParams: referrer"); console.log(refer...