We would like to run some Awareness campaign in a loop so that they don't ignore the campaign Example: We have 5 campaigns banners regarding Hoax email - We want to cycle through each banner (i.e 3 times) - Move to the next one - After going through all 5 banners - Start from the Banner 1 again ...
I am passing experience ID in a response token. Is the experience ID also available in the interface? I need to allow marketing teams to be able to match the experience ID to the friendly name without messing about with APIs etc. We can't pass the experience name in a token as we don't want tha...
How do I go about excluding IP addresses from A/B tests? We want to exclude a monitoring tool we use from entering A/B tests. Is there a setting within Adobe Target like there is within analytics? Or do we need to create a profile script and assign the audience to every A/B test.
can we send multiple Supplemental Data Id in the same request to Delivery API? Adobe Delivery API curl -X POST \ 'https://demo.tt.omtrdc.net/rest/v1/delivery?client=demo&sessionId=d359234570e04f14e1faeeba02d6ab9914e' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -d ...
Hi Team, We have used Item Based > Items with Similar attributes > Current Item criteria. When I hit the delivery api for the server side recommendation activity I do not get any content in response. The collection that the activity is using has the products and the activity is not using any excl...
My team is implementing server side rendered AB tests using Adobe Target, and are curious about the best practices surrounding Session IDs. The application we are building uses Angular and Adobe Launch to integrate w/ Target and Analytics. How do we ensure that the server can detect 30 minutes of in...
Hello everyone, I am looking for the easiest way for creating audience in Adobe Target (but not only, I just want to use it in AT) based on the Age of the visitor. Do you have any ideas how to do it?
Hello all, Has anyone ever got this to work? https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/integrate/a4t/a4timplementation.html?lang=fr#step7 I need to control whether or not to share de SDID between Analytics and Target, so I'm triggering this code when I don't have the user's consent to...
There are many workspaces created in my organization and lot of users are added into Default workspace. Please suggest a best practice to maintain the workspaces and audiences in an optimal way. Thanks
I have successfully implemented step 1 below. I am trying to work out what is required for step 2. I tried implementing this on a page, in the hope that it would then make this view (homeView) visible to me in the Target VEC... but it didn't. Am I overlooking something really simple here? Do I n...