We've recently noticed a large number of pornographic sites appearing in our hosts list.We're assuming this is due to a third party copying our code and using it in on their live websites.We're trying to understand what motivation there is for a third party to do this?Many thanks
Good morning/afternoon,Is anyone having issues with Target Standard/Premium, where upon saving a change, an error message is shown stating: ERROR Referring to invalid nodes?After opening an activity to make a change to, I was greeted with this error message. Initially I thought it was the custom cod...
If I create a property can I move old activities into it? We have partners that used to use Adobe Target, but no longer do and I would like to move all their activities into their own section away from all our activities.
My team is stuck on this being an A/B test rather than if the control performs better than a customized experience. My original plan was to send 50% of the traffic to the control and 25% to Exp B and 25% to Exp C. The results of B and C would be combined because the primary goal of the test is to ju...
Hey,This feels like a fairly embarrassing problem to be dealing with, but hopefully you can help. I have some Adobe Target Experiences which run scripts and make visual changes to a website, however if I go to edit the custom code in Target it is empty (showing the default text). The visual change...
Per target basics webinar Q+A: apparently custom code renders at the top of page or even in header. Doing it in-line will apply the text, html, or code changes where you make them. How do you actually determine when to use in-line vs. custom code? What is potential impact of change rendering at top ...
Good Morning - Does Target have a way of reporting on a test activity that was live for two separate events? I had an activity that was active for two weeks in June and then a few weeks later for two weeks in July in conjunction with an event on our webpage. I'd like to be able to run one report w...
Hello All,The requirement is to show unique content for mobile users using Adobe Target - Experience Targeting.Activity has been created with the below details:Experience A - All VisitorsExperience B - Mobile Users ( created an audience using Rule --> Mobile --> is Mobile Device --> True)Note:Please...
Hi,When we provide the start date on adobe target test activity we need to push the test as activate or automatically it will goes LIVE/activate on production ?
Hey target community,I recently launched a few A/B tests on our web pages regarding pages' layout and copy. Changes are pretty noticeable if you're a repeat visitor to the page.However, what I've seen from the data (past few weeks) is that confidence level fluctuates a lot as we're collecting more d...