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some problem when connecting LCCS


Former Community Member

I have a connecting problem..

When I try my LCCS app in my home. The connection is fine in most time, but sometimes the connection is fail.

when connection fail. I can see all component in the app, but they are not work.

But when I access through another computer in another network, it works great !!

I'm sure the network in my house is fine, so how do I check what wrong is it? 

oh! when this problem happened, the IE debugger shows the AudioPublisher is a null reference. Why? It's usually works fine!

7 Replies



The best thing to do is to run your application in FlashBuilder in debug mode and send us the traces you get in the console (if you can't run the developer environment but you have the debug Flash Player you can configure it to write the traces in a log file: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=logging_04.html)

Regarding AudioPublisher being null, it could be that if you have it nested in the ConnectSessionContainer it doesn't get initialized until the connection succeed (so after the connection fail you'll get a null reference)


Former Community Member

thanks for your reply.

I'll check the trace in debug mode and sent it to you.

thanks for your reply again~


Former Community Member


I run the app in debug mode and keep log content in two situation.

I found the connection always fail after 9:30pm when I test at home. It's work at day time.

this two log are logged on the same computer configure and network setting, just different time.

Please help me to compare the log content and figure out what wrong is it. thanks!!

when connect is good:

Fri Jan 14 10:17:54 GMT+0800 2011    LCCS SDK Version : 1.3.5    Player Version : WIN 10,1,102,64

10:17:54 GMT+0800    requestInfo https://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/mark8988/room1?mode=xml&glt=g:&x=0.2606180580332875

Warning: Domain collaboration.adobelivecycle.com relay principle can not be specified.Applying the principles of the default relay "master-only". This configuration is not supported. See http://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_files_tw to fix this problem.
Warning: Domain na1r.services.adobe.com relay principle can not be specified.Applying the principles of the default relay "master-only". This configuration is not supported. See http://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_files_tw to fix this problem.

10:17:59 GMT+0800    authentication status: 200

10:17:59 GMT+0800    authentication request complete

10:17:59 GMT+0800    requestInfo https://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/mark8988/room1?gak=cmVuZ2EqbmExcioxMmQ4MjUwOTAyMyo5NkVKWEQz...

10:18:00 GMT+0800    #TicketService# ticket received: zenxwqpx4io1

10:18:00 GMT+0800    Getting FMS at https://na2.collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/fms?ticket=zenxwqpx4io1&proto=rtmfp, attempt #1/3

10:18:00 GMT+0800    result: <fms>





10:18:00 GMT+0800    protocols: [object ProtocolPortPair],[object ProtocolPortPair]

10:18:00 GMT+0800    [attempt 1 of 2] Connecting to 0/1: rtmfp://fms7.acrobat.com/cocomo/na2-sdk-5b53bce0-61cd-4fc6-8d0d-e7319750914f/room1 #startProtosConnect#

10:18:01 GMT+0800    tempNetStatusHandler 0/2,NetConnection.Connect.Success

10:18:01 GMT+0800    isTunneling? false

10:18:01 GMT+0800    is using RTMPS? false


10:18:01 GMT+0800      .user descriptor from server [object]

10:18:01 GMT+0800        \\

10:18:01 GMT+0800        .role [number]= 100

10:18:01 GMT+0800        .affiliation [number]= 100

10:18:01 GMT+0800        .userID [string]= WCD-646A4F664B5C81DA99201587

10:18:01 GMT+0800        .displayName [string]= Lawrence Mark

10:18:02 GMT+0800    RECEIVENODES UserManager

10:18:02 GMT+0800    receiveAllSynchData UserManager

10:18:02 GMT+0800    RECEIVENODES FileManager

10:18:02 GMT+0800    receiveAllSynchData FileManager

10:18:02 GMT+0800    checkManagerSync:[object FileManager]

10:18:02 GMT+0800    RECEIVENODES AVManager

10:18:02 GMT+0800    receiveAllSynchData AVManager

10:18:02 GMT+0800    checkManagerSync:[object StreamManager]

10:18:02 GMT+0800    RECEIVENODES RoomManager

10:18:02 GMT+0800    receiveAllSynchData RoomManager

10:18:02 GMT+0800    checkManagerSync:[object RoomManager]

10:18:02 GMT+0800    checkManagerSync:[object UserManager]

10:18:02 GMT+0800    RECEIVENODES sharedWC

10:18:02 GMT+0800    receiveAllSynchData sharedWC

10:18:03 GMT+0800    RECEIVENODES sharedSC

10:18:03 GMT+0800    receiveAllSynchData sharedSC

10:18:03 GMT+0800    RECEIVENODES sharedWB

10:18:04 GMT+0800    receiveAllSynchData sharedWB

And when the connection failed

Thu Jan 13 23:30:00 GMT+0800 2011    LCCS SDK Version : 1.3.5    Player Version : WIN 10,1,102,64

23:30:00 GMT+0800    requestInfo https://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/mark8988/room1?mode=xml&glt=g:&x=0.7345541906543076

Warning: Domain collaboration.adobelivecycle.com relay principle can not be specified.Applying the principles of the default relay "master-only". This configuration is not supported. See http://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_files_tw to fix this problem.
Warning: Domain na1r.services.adobe.com relay principle can not be specified.Applying the principles of the default relay "master-only". This configuration is not supported. See http://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_files_tw to fix this problem.

23:30:04 GMT+0800    authentication status: 200

23:30:04 GMT+0800    authentication request complete

23:30:04 GMT+0800    requestInfo https://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/mark8988/room1?gak=cmVuZ2EqbmExcioxMmQ3ZmZmNjNhMypDVDJEOUQz...

23:30:05 GMT+0800    #TicketService# ticket received: lysc8iav40p2

23:30:05 GMT+0800    Getting FMS at https://na2.collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/fms?ticket=lysc8iav40p2&proto=rtmfp, attempt #1/3

23:30:05 GMT+0800    result: <fms>





23:30:05 GMT+0800    protocols: [object ProtocolPortPair],[object ProtocolPortPair]

23:30:05 GMT+0800    [attempt 1 of 2] Connecting to 0/1: rtmfp://fms5.acrobat.com/cocomo/na2-sdk-5b53bce0-61cd-4fc6-8d0d-e7319750914f/room1 #startProtosConnect#

23:30:06 GMT+0800    tempNetStatusHandler 0/2,NetConnection.Connect.Success

23:30:06 GMT+0800    isTunneling? false

23:30:06 GMT+0800    is using RTMPS? false


23:30:06 GMT+0800      .user descriptor from server [object]

23:30:06 GMT+0800        \\

23:30:06 GMT+0800        .displayName [string]= Lawrence Mark

23:30:06 GMT+0800        .role [number]= 100

23:30:06 GMT+0800        .affiliation [number]= 100

23:30:06 GMT+0800        .userID [string]= WCD-646A4F664B5C81DA99201587

23:30:07 GMT+0800    RECEIVENODES UserManager

23:30:07 GMT+0800    receiveAllSynchData UserManager

23:30:07 GMT+0800    RECEIVENODES FileManager

23:30:07 GMT+0800    receiveAllSynchData FileManager

23:30:07 GMT+0800    checkManagerSync:[object FileManager]

23:30:07 GMT+0800    RECEIVENODES AVManager

23:30:07 GMT+0800    receiveAllSynchData AVManager

23:30:07 GMT+0800    checkManagerSync:[object StreamManager]

23:30:07 GMT+0800    RECEIVENODES RoomManager

23:30:07 GMT+0800    receiveAllSynchData RoomManager

23:30:07 GMT+0800    checkManagerSync:[object RoomManager]

23:30:07 GMT+0800    checkManagerSync:[object UserManager]

23:30:08 GMT+0800    RECEIVENODES sharedWC

23:30:08 GMT+0800    receiveAllSynchData sharedWC

23:30:08 GMT+0800    RECEIVENODES sharedSC

23:30:08 GMT+0800    receiveAllSynchData sharedSC

23:30:08 GMT+0800    RECEIVENODES sharedWB



I'll have to look at our logs, but it'll have to be tomorrow...



Sorry for delay!

I had a look at our server log and I am still confused! I do see some sessions that succeed and some that fails but I can't explain why.

One thing that I see is that in some sessions there is a "bunch" of node creations, like if you are starting from scratch (for example after deleting the room).

In these sessions I also see a message published ("hostInTheRoom", that we publish when the host joins the room) after which everything seems to be working fine.

In the session that you report as failing I don't see the nodes being created (like, the room already existed) and I don't see the "hostInTheRoom" message being published (even if you are logging in as the host). After that it seems that the client reconnects but, even if I don't see any errors on our side, everything gets "stuck".

The other thing I see is that when the connection fails there is always another "user" in the room (that may explain why the "hostInTheRoom" message is not sent: because the host is already there).

So, I don't have a real answer of what is wrong with your room, all I can say is that I don't see any clear error.

One thing could be that the application is expecting a very precise "state" to work (like, the owner needs to be the first to enter the room) or it gets stuck. Don't know why the same application would work from your office but not from home unless, again, from your office you are running a different client or a client that does something slightly different than home, or you are leaving your "office" client running and when you try to login with the same credentials your client is in a state that is not expecting to be.


Former Community Member

Is that because I always making LCCS connection and entering room console at the same time?

May you check and see if you have connecting issue like this?