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LiveCycle Reader Extensions ES, version 8.2, and supported client Flash versions


Former Community Member


We are running Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions ES, Version 8.2.

We have a couple users that connect through IE (version 7) to create fillable forms.

Our companies standard version of Adobe Flash is 10.x

When we upgraded to 10.x, the users could no longer open (convert) a pdf to be able to make it fillable.  The fix was to down grade the Flash version to version 9.

Is there a better fix for this, as I have another user that requires access to the LiveCycle server but is running Flash 10, yet I would prefer not to downgrade them to Flash 9.

Hopefully the above explanation makes sense, as I am technical support versus being a LiveCycle user.



7 Replies


Former Community Member

Are you referring to the Flash UI that ships with Reader Extensions and it is that UI that is causing you grief?



Former Community Member

Hi Paul,

I don't actually know too much about the product, but he users open Internet Explorer and go to a local server address and log in as Administrator.

Then they browse to a PDF, to open it and make it fillable.  It gets hung on the opening stage.
The user that it works for uses Adobe Flash 9.x.  The user for whom it does not work for uses Adobe Flash 10.x
The person that uses 9.x, used to use 10 but could not use LiveCycle, so they were down graded to Flash 9.
I am hoping that there is a fix in place so that we no longer have to down grade Flash Versions.


Former Community Member

Yes my guess was correct - that is what they are doing. When that version of Reader Extension was release Flash 10 did not exist ...... when Flash 10 came out that was identified as a problem and a service pack was created to support Flash 10. I think it was SP 2 but I cannot be sure. If you check out the support site and have a look at the Service Packs you should be able to find the right one (there are only 3). Simply apply that SP and you shoudl be good to go.

Hope that helps



Former Community Member

Thank you Paul.

A couple more questions:

(1) Is the SP being installed on the server, or is it a client install?

(2) Can you provide me with a link to SP support site?  It took me forever just to find the forum site.

Once again, thank you very much!


Former Community Member

Yes it is applied to the server ....I have asked someone else to post the location of the service packs.



Level 2

This particular service pack (LiveCycle ES Update 1 Service Pack 3 (SP3)) is has not been made public. As part  of their maintenance and support agreement with Adobe only LiveCycle customers are eligible to recieve access to this service pack. Please contact the Adobe Enterprise Support team directly and they will be able to help provide you with access to the download, provided you are eligible to download it. 

Feel free to contact me directly (dev_info@adobe.com) should you have any additional questions with concerns to this service pack.

Kindest regards,



Former Community Member

Thank you Paul and Shelley.  We managed to get the SP from our account rep.

Thank you for the direction and quick resolution to this issue.