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Email from subform


Level 2

I don't know if what I would like to do is possible but I thougth that I would give this a try.  I have a form where it has a subform, on this subform there is a field that allows the users to select an email address to send the form to.  This pattern can continue until the issue is closed, at which time I would like to have the ability to email all of the email addresses that had previously occupied the email field.  Is this possible and if so please explain how I could accomplish this feat?  Thanks in advance.

7 Replies


Level 10


I think you could get this to work, but it will need some scripting.

I would have a hidden textfield that when the email button is clicked, it would add the email address string to the textfield's .rawValue. Including a ';'.

When the issue is closed, ticking a checkbox would hide the normal email button and show the 'final email' button. This would be scripted to send an email to the hidden textfield's .rawValue.

How does that sound?



Level 2

I understand the logic, but how i go about adding the email address string to the .rawValue of the text box?  do you know of an example that i could see, i just don't know how to do that part of it, i can handle the movements.


Level 10


Here is an example: https://acrobat.com/#d=XGio37Qy-giZ*Qs*QRl5nw

However in the send email button, I do not have the regular expression working. It is meant to prevent an email address from being added to the list if it already exists.

else if (vEmailList.search(/emailAddress.rawValue/) == -1)

This is only passing for the string "emailAddress.rawValue", rather than using the .rawValue of the emailAddress field.

Maybe someone could have a look at the RegExp.

Good luck,



Level 2

Is it possible to mimic the functionality of the additional field like you used in http://forums.adobe.com/message/2446981#2446981 ?  I've tried several attempts to get it worked out but to no avail.  Any suggestions that you that you might be able to provide would be great.


Level 2

I think I was able to solve the mystery.  Here is what I did, if I'm off base let me know.



Level 10

Here is an updated with the email functionality built in:


The check to se that a duplicate email address is not already in the distribution list is still not working.
