This is hopefully a simple one.... but i have not figured it out after a few hours so any help would be greati want to take rawValues from text fields and use them in various places so imagineFirstName.rawvalue = "steve" and Surname.rawValue = "Brown"I want to be able to use FirstName and Surname wi...
Hello all,I've encountered a problem today with the release of a form to my users.The form in question is a Dynamic PDF XML form with some javascript built using LiveCycle Designer.My intention has been to use several small images next-to/in appropriate labels to show a tooltip to the user if moused...
I am making a form with a table that allows users to add rows and columns at will. When the amount of rows added runs off the page, a new pages is appended so rows can be added indefinitely. But with columns, it doesn't work that way. Is there a way to increase the size of a page to accomodate c...
Can I use the switch case with radio buttons ?What will be the parameter to determine the choice just like xfa.event.newText is used for dropdown list.Aditya
Hi All,I have the following script on exit event of a field on my form that I am designing, and basically if the format is wrong it should reset the cursor back to the field unless the correct format is entered. Here is the Code: if(this.formattedValue<>YYYYMMDD){ ...
Hi All, We have created few processes and are working fine.. Now we got a new request to enable the Site Minder authentication for each request. In our project the LiveCycle process is getting invoked from a Flex code via SOAP end point. Flex application is authenticating the request by reading t...
Is there a way to perform a full text search the forms stored in the liveCycle repository from workbench? While in workbech I do not see any search tool
I installed LifeCycle ES2 Turnkey version- Windows/Jboss), on a Windows 2003 server(vmware).The installation is complete, but I don't see LifeCycle Designer or Workbench!!!! All I have access to is the Web-based Admin console and Workspace ES2 and other web-based system tools. Jboss and Mysql see...
Good Morning Everyone,Got a quick question. I'm sure this one an be done somehow. I created a form and the required filds that are not entered get surround in a big RED box.. Can I change that color??? It's really bright.Thanks ahead of time.Lucy
Hi,I am looking for information on creating a schema type definition that LiveCycle Designer ES will accept for populating drop down lists ( populating both the name and the value). For example, I have something like: <xsd:simpleType name="RoleTypeCodeType"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:token">...