So, pretty simple. Im trying to take an existing form and put a paperforms barcode on it that collects data from one field (the form was created in LC). It seems pretty straight forward only the barcode errors telling me that the script collection doesnt exist and to create a collection. I created a...
Hi,I'm using Livecycle Designer for a dynamic form. I have a section of the form that contains field for the user to enter goals and then rate the goal. I'd like to count only the text fields with entries and then have the total number of rates divided by the number of text field entries.Row 1 , c...
Hello,Is it now possible to fully secure a SmartForm with Designer 8.2 and all the code within so that when it is distributed, no one can simply take the form and modify it in any way or figure out the details behind the code & design?Thanks!-Veni
I am very new to creating forms, and need some step by step help with a question.I am in the process of creating a form and have several instances where I have yes or no questions with checkboxes. If the user checks no then they need to answer an additional question. How can I set the form to hide...
Hi,Is it possible to encrypt the xml sent by the "email submit button"? Anyone have any ideas how to protect data from unwanted reading when several users use the same mailbox?
I have a text field in the middle of a form that is flowed. The surrounging subforms are positioned, the page subform is flowed. The expanding field and following fields work fine. I now need to add more text in the flowed subform. However I can't reposition the subforms.Thanks,MDawn
My form is a letter that contains a list of twenty sentences which the user can include or exclude from the letter. I have made each sentence a button & written a JavaScript to make the buttons' presence "hidden" when clicked. I created the subforms so that as each button is clicked (and becomes h...
Hi everybody.I have a form with a text field provided with a validation script, which allows the user only to enter values in the format 999999-9999. The script is places on the exit event.var myRegex = /\d{6}\-\d{4}/;var singleDigits = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];If the format is not correct, the user wi...
Is there a function that can convert an ascii code to the proper character?ie: in excel, one can use code() and char() to go back and forth.Found some ref to \u0041 = A, but not sure if this is the right method?Any assistance greatly appreciated.
Hi,I'm an absolute beginner in Live Cycle Designer, and I'm not very familiar yet with things like scripting,binding, subforms, etc. So if you can help me out, please regard me as a complete dummie and make your instructions very simple and step-by-step.I searched this forum for the last few hours f...