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RPC Fault faultString="No destination with id <my dest id> is registered with any service."


Former Community Member
Hi, <br /><br />I would really appreciate an expert's opinion on how to figure out what is wrong with my data service...I'm a newbie so it's probably something obvious! :-)<br /><br />1. I have configured my data-management-config.xml<br />2. It is in the <app root>/WEB-INF/flex directory<br />3. I've got no errors in my mxml file which is going to display a datagrid using my service.<br />4. I'm using hibernate<br />5. My java class is built for this service<br />6. My actionscript class is built for my bridge to java class<br />7. I've got a hibernate.cfg.xml file built<br />8. I've got a hbm.xml for my class.<br />9. My flex app compiles with no error<br />10. Running the app (using Jboss) and executing the data service via a button gives me this:<br /><br />[RPC Fault faultString="No destination with id '<my dest id>' is registered with any service." faultCode="Server.Processing" faultDetail="null"]<br /><br />Can anyone suggest how I would troubleshoot this? <br /><br />Thanks in advance!<br />Laurie
16 Replies


Level 3
Did you restart the web application after modifying /WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml?

Did you recompile against this updated services-config.xml?


Former Community Member
I only updated data-management-config.xml. I didn't change service-config.xml, (accept to change the port from 2038 to 2040 in the channel definition) What would I need to change in this file?

Thanks for your help!



Former Community Member
Hi Laurie,

I have the same problem. Have you solved it? How?




Former Community Member
Hi Juan,

Are you running Jboss? If so, 4.0 or 4.2? I've downgraded to 4.0 and reinstalled everything else (Eclipe w/FB2 Plugin, LCDS 2.5, WTP plugin, GEF plugin, Hibernate Tools Plugin, Flex DS Facet plugin, is there anything else?, oh, yeah, java JDK 1.5). I've done a lot of rebuilding of my environment since I posted initially.

Now, that I've built my app again, I'm troubleshooting a ***fresh*** error:

Unexpected attribute 'url' found in 'endpoint' from file: services-config.xml.

Sorry, if I get the "old" error again and resolve it, I will post it here...I said I was a newbie... ;-)



Former Community Member
Fresh error mentioned above was resolved by downloading the Hotfix2 (windows installer, not zip version) and restarting.


Former Community Member
hi i m trying to use live cycle data services and java as back end but i get these errors when i try to get the data using fill method any idea where i m going wrong actually i m using data service and declare the service in service_config.xml and have the assembler class a service class and a java class to define the object and i get the following error

[RPC Fault faultString="Send failed" faultCode="Client.Error.MessageSend" faultDetail="Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Status 404: url: 'http://localhost:8088/rajcon/messagebroker/amf'"]

at mx.data::ConcreteDataService/http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::dispatchFaultEvent()

at private::DataListRequestResponder/fault()

at mx.rpc::AsyncRequest/fault()

at mx.messaging::ChannelSet/private::faultPendingSends()

at mx.messaging::ChannelSet/channelFaultHandler()

at flash.events::EventDispatcher/flash.events:EventDispatcher::dispatchEventFunction()

at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()

at mx.messaging::Channel/mx.messaging:Channel::connectFailed()

at mx.messaging.channels::PollingChannel/mx.messaging.channels:PollingChannel::connectFailed()

at mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel/mx.messaging.channels:AMFChannel::statusHandler()


Level 3
Hi Laurie,<br /><br />Your original error indicates that a component on the client (apparently your DataService instance) has its destination set to "<my dest id>", but no destination with that id is defined in your config. <br /><br />I'd make sure that in your client code you set the destination for your DataService instance to a valid value. This looks like it could be a copy and paste error.<br /><br />Good luck,<br />Seth


Level 3

This part of the error, "Channel.Connect.Failed", indicates that the underlying client channel failed to connect to the server. Specifically, it received a 404 for your endpoint URL: 'http://localhost:8088/rajcon/messagebroker/amf'

This is generally due to a startup error on the server. If the server is misconfigured it fails fast and the MessageBrokerServlet that bootstraps things throws the exception and the servlet container destroys the servlet. Check your server log (or console) for any startup exceptions. Once your config is correct and the server starts up properly the client should have no problems connecting.




Former Community Member
hello guys

I new to the world of flex and I really need your help

I'm using Life Cycle Data Service, and for my first data service application I do the following steps

go to






Flex DataServices [using the option compile application locally in Flex builder]-->


next-->giving name to My Project [e-g TestFDS]



now when the projected is created it gives me an error "Unexpected attribute 'url' found in 'endpoint' from file: services-config.xml"

and also it does not compile any thing to bin directory of my project

please help what I have to do [any configurations] to resolve this problem



Former Community Member
there is a hot fix from adobe for the bug 'unexpected url found'..

get the fix - hotfix 2 from adobe site



Former Community Member
Has anyone figure out the initial question: "RPC Fault faultString="No destination with id <my dest id> is registered with any service" I keep getting this error and cannot figure it out. Please help.


Former Community Member
Hi ,

when i tried to retrieve the data from lcds server through Flex HttpService then i am getting this client.Error.MessageSend error ,can anyone guide me how to resolve this problem.


Former Community Member
My name is Emmanuel, and I've got a big problem.<br />I am getting a "rpc fault" while debugging, apparently my HTTP Request is out of touch, and my codes look like this:<br /><mx:Application<br />...initialize="myService.send()"><br /><mx:Script><br /> <![Data[<br /> import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;<br /> import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;<br /> //[Bindable]<br /> //private var myData:ArrayCollection;<br /> private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void{<br /> //myData=result.event.employees.employee;<br /> }<br /> <br /> <mx:HTTPService id="myService"<br /> url="data/employees.xml"<br /> result="resultHandler(event)"/><br /> //<mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{myData}"/><br /></mx.Script><br /></mx:Application><br />and I don't know where to look for. Please help me!


Level 1

It might be a bit late but replying for anyone who lands on this page facing this same problem.

The solution for "No destination with id '<my dest id>' is registered with any service" problem is that you have to make sure your destination definition is added in your:


Secondly, If you are deploying it on a ColdFusion Server, then you have to make sure exact same definition is added in Server messaging-config.xml file as well.

This should solve this problem.

While we are at it, wanted to point another possible gotcha.

if your Server is using SSL protocol i.e. it has https:// rather than http://, Then within your <destination> definition block in messaging-config.xml, you have to add appropriate secure channels in <channels> section. You can find all available channel definitions in
