I'm having problems with the graphical end of Designer - i can create a form in designer, save it as a PDF, re-open it in illustrator and add nice vector graphics and have the saved form still work (just don't play with the form objects). This works pretty nicely for one page forms - the problem com...
Dear all, a trivial test code is failing with the exceptionjava.lang.ClassCastException atcom.sun.corba.se.internal.javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(PortableRemoteObject.java:293) atjavax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(PortableRemoteObject.java:134)The code is as follows:import javax.naming.In...
Hello All!Another newbie question. How can I save a file to a folder, with a default name of a date or something. I see you can push a file to FTP, email, etc. I just need to push the saved file to a folder on the local computer.TIA!!Rudy
I'd like to add multiple events on one button. I.e. I would like the button to sumbit to a Webservice via httppost, and I would like to email the data in XML format out. Or I'd like to call multiple methods from the webservice with one click. It looks (from the XML) that the button event is tied to ...
Hi, I'm a total newbie with this app, but am very familiar w/ Acrobat. I need to build a form that has 3 radio buttons (mutually exclusive). Depending on which radio button is selected, I need drop down lists to become hidden/visibile.In Acrobat Pro, I attacched an action to the radio button that 'o...
What is the criteria that determines whether the "Allow Page Breaks within Content" option is available or unavailable on the Subform/Object/Subform tab?
Hi, I have a problem with creating a form in Designer 7.0. This one is bouncing back and forward to Adobe Level 3 support with no resolution so as I need to get this form out I thought I'd try here.I have been following the exact instructions in the Tutorial which uses the "Corporate Picnic" form ex...
Dear friends,I've face the problem of entering armenian language characters into forms produced by Designer 7.1. It shows questionmarks instead of characters.When i am scripting to set field value to some Unicode based armenian characters string it works just perfect, same apply if i am showing data...